Beginning Italian in areas of grammar and basic language skills. Face-to-face classroom contact combined with online work. ITAL 1HY, ITAL 2HY, and ITAL 3HY form a three-course series equivalent to ITAL 1, 2, & 3, Elementary Italian series.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeCamilla is so kind and has such passion for the Italian language. The class I took was an online hybrid so there was a decent amount of online homework. We also had compositions and quizzes due basically every other week. No midterm and an oral final combined with a written project. Definitely requires work, but 100% worth it.
I was a little worried taking Italian 2 in the fall after not using my Italian for the summer but professor Fiorina was amazing. The explanation of verbs and conjugations are clear and the expectations are well laid out. Would absolutely take again, just be engaged with the material!
Professor Camilla Fiorina is super kind and considerate. She really cares about you understanding and learning the language and is a very fair grader. I am glad I was able to have her as my professor for freshman year.
She was an amazing professor! Was very caring and understanding and you can tell she cares a lot about what she teaches.
A really nice professor, easy to reach out and always post grade on time. I am glad to take her class during my freshman year.
Professor Fiornia cares about her students and will help you succeed in class. She asks a lot of questions about the material so study up beforehand. She's a great professor to learn Italian with!