This course allows the coordination of senior students in multiple departments while they undertake a multi-departmental capstone design project. Participating students are required to concurrently enroll in their respective departmental capstone/senior design project courses (ECE 189AB, CMPSC 189AB, ECE 188AB, ME 189ABC), and will additionally enroll in 1 unit of this course for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. By taking this course, students will understand practical engineering approaches to collaborate on complex multidisciplinary engineering systems.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeSeniors only
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeToo test dependent. Makes test ridiculously long for no reason and 70% of the grade. Good lecture though. Grade received in the class does not reflect student's knowledge because of how test are structured. He wants to see half the class fail. No curve.
Great Professor, explains concepts really well. Also really wants to help and you can tell he puts in the effort to make good lectures and give good answers.
Class that was revamped with an arduino engineering kit. Kit was a bit of a mess, not the fault of the professor, just a lot of hardware and software problems that made completing the required labs difficult but Susko was pretty accommodating. Weekly labs (with reports) and a final.
Prerecorded lectures are all over the place, making the content extremely difficult to follow. Quizzes and final were quite difficult, and often frustrating, especially when they are poorly worded, or have you flipping all around the book to find the appropriate diagrams. Also, all the material covered is completely useless imo.
I know it a tough quarter, but apparently susko did not teach enough concepts and ideas to students. His teaching style is not clear and formal; everything is flying all around the blackboard. I hope we have other professors to teach the course.
No technical guidance, avoid.