Tyler Susko

12 reviews
Respected Accessible outside class Tough grader Gives good feedback Caring Participation matters Group projects Lots of homework Hilarious Test heavy
Past quarters
ART 189A
0 / 5 Closed
Capstone Design Lab
Tyler Susko 3.0
13:00 PM - 13:50 PM
0 / 70 Enrolled
Multidisciplinary Capstone Design
Ilan Ben-Yaacov 3.8 Tyler Susko 3.0
13:00 PM - 13:50 PM
See All
ME 156A Susko T G Fall 2023 Total: 89
ME 156A Susko T G Fall 2022 Total: 83
ART 189C Susko T G Spring 2022 Total: 9
ART 189B Susko T G Winter 2022 Total: 10
ME156A . Susko T G 6 Months Ago

Too test dependent. Makes test ridiculously long for no reason and 70% of the grade. Good lecture though. Grade received in the class does not reflect student's knowledge because of how test are structured. He wants to see half the class fail. No curve.

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ME104 . Susko T G 3 Years Ago

Class that was revamped with an arduino engineering kit. Kit was a bit of a mess, not the fault of the professor, just a lot of hardware and software problems that made completing the required labs difficult but Susko was pretty accommodating. Weekly labs (with reports) and a final.

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ME156A . Susko T G 3 Years Ago

Prerecorded lectures are all over the place, making the content extremely difficult to follow. Quizzes and final were quite difficult, and often frustrating, especially when they are poorly worded, or have you flipping all around the book to find the appropriate diagrams. Also, all the material covered is completely useless imo.

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ME189 . Susko T G 4 Years Ago

I know it a tough quarter, but apparently susko did not teach enough concepts and ideas to students. His teaching style is not clear and formal; everything is flying all around the blackboard. I hope we have other professors to teach the course.

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ME156 . Susko T G 4 Years Ago

I wish I have another option. His teaching style is unclear and unorganized. I don't want one professor to teach all the courses that are required to graduate.

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ME189 . Susko T G 4 Years Ago

I have taken ME10, ME 156 and I am in ME189 all taught by Susko. I sure wish he would teach us something. ME10 was fun, but now that I am a senior I realize it was just play and he did not teach us enough. ME156 was just not helpful. And don't even get me started on the joke that is capstone. How did this guy get in charge of so many classes?!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
ME156B . Susko T G 4 Years Ago

He lectured using PowerPoint which was terrible. His homework was either book problems which were a joke or written himself which were too ambiguous. The test was poorly written where students were left scrambling for time.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
ME10 . Susko T G 6 Years Ago

Wonderful guy, really cares about undergrads in engineering. ME10 is a really fun course and Susko is very fair and supportive of everyone.

1 helpful 5 unhelpful
ME10 . Susko T G 6 Years Ago

I loved Professor Susko! He was such a great professor, who made the lectures interesting and funny! He's also just generally a good guy and is more than willing to help you in his office hours if you ever need it!

1 helpful 36 unhelpful
ME10 . Susko T G 7 Years Ago

Really good professor, wants you to do well & is good at explaining things too. Class was extremely fun and rewarding, my favorite class so far at UCSB! Rated difficult not because it is difficult to get a good grade (it's not), but because the class requires you to do a lot of work.

2 helpful 35 unhelpful
ME10 . Susko T G 7 Years Ago

He is a fantastic teacher. You'll learn SolidWorks but that system is incredibly easy if you put the time into learning it. It is a very rewarding class, especially for undergrads and first years because it is project-based, which is the most fun type.

1 helpful 33 unhelpful
ME156A . Susko T G 8 Years Ago

Really Awesome professor. One of the best a I've had at UCSB!

1 helpful 33 unhelpful