An introduction to techniques of creative writing, editing, design, presentation, and production, culminating in the quarterly publication of the English Department Literary and Arts magazine, The Catalyst. This class is a collaborative faculty-student seminar group featuring creative writing and design workshops, and facilitating the production of a dossier of creative work in both the literary and visual arts. Students who have taken the class at least once may apply during the spring quarter to be part of the editorial team for the following academic year. Contact the professor at
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI took Professor Donnelly's class last quarter and can't stop thinking about it. I'm not an English major, but his lectures were so interesting that they made me wish I was. If you're considering taking his class, do it!
Don't take this class
He's an amazing lecturer and a very nice person. Truly what all people in humanities should strive to be. I'm loving 103WT. Specializes in Victorian lit and Sci-fi. He's not the type to put down students even when they are confused. We do not deserve this man. I wanted to take my seminar w him but i think he's tired of seeing me every quarter lol
I can go on for DAYS about how much I love Brian. He was not only an amazing professor -- he really stood up for me on a personal level when i was experiencing a housing crisis. He checked in with me and eventually helped me decide to take an Incomplete in his class while I got my affairs in order. He's just an incredible man and so charismatic
Really disappointed since previous classes with Donnelly have been so fun, but this class was so much work out of nowhere. Midterm had a lot of obscure/ambiguous questions and the final is absurdly long. Huge departure from his previous classes and I'm upset that this went the way it did as I was very excited about this subject.
The second class I've taken with him. Great class/content. He knew me by name in a 150-person room. That being said, this class is not an easy A. You need to do the work-- read, write, and come up with good and creative analysis, but that is most upper-div English classes. This course also has a highly specific midterm and tough essays (TA graded).