A two-quarter series providing an introduction to the purposes, conceptual framework, measurement principles and reporting issues of accounting. Particular emphasis will be placed on the links between accounting, economics, and finance.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeDO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE! Bob's class tanked my GPA and I put an insane amount of time into studying for the final. He rambles about random (boring) things during lecture and his final is excruciatingly hard. Literally hate this man.
I hate this man, nothing he mentioned in class is related to the exam, and his exam is extremely hard and you have no idea how to prepare it. Especially the MCQ questions.
Recommend this class to everyone in the economics department! Yes you have to put a lot of time in if you want a high grade but so worth it. Bob makes the lectures as engaging as accounting can be and is really focused on the significance of learning the accounting language. Utilize your TAs to help learn the material.
This course is fast-paced, with weekly chapter readings, two timed quizzes, and homework totaling four assignments weekly. While the professor is knowledgeable, they lack compassion and appear egotistical, making them unapproachable. As a minority student, I felt targeted, especially when they assumed my background and spoke mockingly in Spanish.
I just want to say that this bald man ruined my happiness for an entire quarter. Now my friend, the bear, is also taking the class and he is also failing. Why bob why! Please stop.
He's a decent professor but those quizzes and midterm so far seem unnecessarily difficult and confusing.