Experiments in mass transfer, reactor kinetics, process control, and chemical and biochemical processing. Analysis of results, and preparation of reports.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeDefinitely one of the best and most captivating professors in chemical engineering. Professor Squires does a good job covering all the topics while keeping class moral high.
This was the only class where I went to every lecture. The homework can be rough in the beginning but if you read the textbook and keep up a A is definitely manageable. He also rounds grades because I calculated based on my percentage I would have had a A-, but he gave me an A. This was my favorite class as a freshman q1, and it was easy enough.
This class was very chill and only met the first five weeks of the quarter. There wasn't too much teaching and a majority of the class time was spent making various cosmetic products. As long as you show up and do the experiments, it's an easy pass.
Just show up to class, do the assignments, and give a decent presentation and you will pass. Pass/No Pass isn't a grade option here but since 118 is, participation is the only requirement for success. I liked Professor Chada's technical writing slide decks and I will be repurposing them for the rest of my time at UCSB.
I have my own personal issues with junior lab and the way our groups are determined but that is a story for another time. Professor Chada introduced office hours for lab report review this year, which was greatly appreciated. 180A is such an important class for the chemical engineering curriculum, and I think he did a good job with our class.
I loved him, i had him for an INT class about making shampoo, conditioner, lip gloss, aloe vera, and many more. I thought the class would be more information than hands-on but he just gives a brief description of how these items are being made and lets us get to work!