Joe Chada

18 reviews
Group projects Accessible outside class Tough grader Gives good feedback Lots of homework Caring Respected Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Test heavy Online Savvy
Past quarters
CH E 5
10 / 72 Enrolled
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Design
Joe Chada 4.8
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
CH E 128
35 / 50 Enrolled
Separation Processes
Joe Chada 4.8
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
See All
CH E 5 Chada J P Fall 2023 Total: 53
CH E 128 Chada J P Fall 2023 Total: 53
CH E 140A Chada J P Spring 2023 Total: 40
CH E 5 Chada J P Spring 2023 Total: 21
See All
CHE5 . Chada J P 3 Months Ago

Introduces Chem E concepts in a simple, understandable way. I adored this class. Biweekly homework (don't wait til last minute). and a final group project. No tests. Biweekly lab where you get to go through the process of making biodiesel. Guest speakers from Clorox. Overall, a great class. Always looked forward to lecture. Textbook not required.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 6 Months Ago

Everyone should take a class with Chada if they have the chance. He is incredibly caring, an amazing teacher, and an all around awesome guy. He makes learning difficult concepts not only simple but also incredibly engaging. And we got to do an awesome lab. Take his courses!

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CHE128 . Chada J P 6 Months Ago

Review #2 for Professor Chada! Separations was really interesting to me, and although I did poorly on the midterm, I think he understood that I felt my capabilities didn't match my test scores, and was very helpful and encouraging in the days leading up to the final. Be prepared to learn a lot of content in just 10 weeks.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

ChE5 was very easy. Dr.Chada is very nice and helpful

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CHE5 . Chada J P 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Really Good Professor

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CHE5 . Chada J P 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Hands down, my favorite class

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CHE5 . Chada J P 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

CHE5 is a very good introductory chemE course. You have a biweekly labs over the quarter when you make biodiesel and tie into topics learnt in class. Hws take some time but are very doable. Easy course, no final but final project.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Professor Chada is very nice. If you have no prior knowledge of the curriculum, make sure to read the textbook and go to office hours! When it comes to due dates make sure to turn them in on time because he is less lenient than other professors. As for the lab section, DON'T BE LATE or he will confront you about it.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 2 Years Ago

Weekly group projects where you get to meet other intelligent people in the same major. Has great lectures and explains problem-solving strategies needed for homework. He is accessible outside of the classroom either during in-office hours or online (loves using nectir). Overall awesome professor, make sure you get to know him!

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CHE5 . Chada J P 2 Years Ago

Professor Chada did a good job teaching our intro ChemE class. He knows the material well and is really accessible outside of class if you need help. He did a lot of practice problem with me before the exams and it helped me do much better in ChE 5. I appreciated him bringing us guest lecturers to learn more about the industry.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 2 Years Ago

Dr. Chada is a really nice prof who wants you to learn the content well. He always keeps you updated about assignments as well as where the class is going. HW can be tough, but it's in groups. The midterms he gives you plenty of time, though they are not easy. Make sure to do some extra textbook problems. Positive guy, you can't go wrong with him.

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CHE5 . Chada J P 3 Years Ago

Chada is super nice and really cares about setting up his students for their future. Video lectures are easy to understand and in meetings he goes through more example problems. Pretty much all group work. HW can be tough but Chada and TAs are accessible if you have questions. Midterm/Final is easy if you can do the problems from lectures/meetings.

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