During your time at UCSB, ChatGPT and other Large Language Models have changed every aspect of university writing. This class takes up AI generative writing as an object of inquiry and a space for experimentation including practical, critical, and ethical considerations. There will be a tour of AI technology, from its historical origins, into the archives, beyond ChatGPT and into speculative futures of cutting edge technology. Students will 1) present on ethical dimensions of technology, 2) write archival research on the history of technology, and 3) end the class with a collaborative showcase of human and AI writing and art.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Fancher is the best! I loved this class so much, she creates a really supportive and friendly class environment. She genuinely cares about students and wants them to do well, very understanding if you need an extension or extra help on an assignment. I definitely recommend taking a class with her!
Really kind and caring professor! You can clearly see that she wants her students to do well in her course. I really liked her lecture style of class participation while she navigates the conversation and adds in her own points. She does have weekly assignments every week but they're fairly easy and she has a very generous late work policy.
Did not like her teaching style. Ability to convey material challenged by strange outlook on life.
Trish is a great feminist prof! Class is only graded on 3 papers and weekly discussion responses. She is very understanding and provides good feedback on papers. She was very lenient and respected our needs for extensions and what not. Go to lecture, participate weekly in the forum, and youll pass.
Fancher is a nice professor who tries her best to help you. There are lots of assignments and you really need to work hard, but it's all worth it. When you don't know what to do, just come to office hours and ask for help.
No tests, only papers, and works with you to edit and improve them