Focuses on online hate messages: racist/ethnic/sexist social media postings, websites, and discussion forums; harassment, toxicity, and cyberbullying.Topics include the prevalence, content, and effects of online hate; motivatons; coordinated organized attacks; media use by existing offline hate groups; potential for offline aggression; remediation messages (human and robotic), and related topics. Readings primarily are research articles. Student groups complete original comprehensive literature reviews on a particular subtopic with reports to a California civil rights commission. This course involves exposure to and discussion of extremely offensive terms and materials. It’s heavy on reading and writing.

Prerequisites: Not open to freshmen.





1, 2, 3


Not open to freshmen

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only comm intst
Joe Walther
16 reviews
Winter 2024 . Walther J B Zhang Yidi
ILP 2211
17:00 PM - 19:50 PM
COMM 160OH Walther J B Winter 2024 Total: 59
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COMM185 . Walther J B A Month Ago

Joe is the most incredible professor I have ever had! He was so supportive and you can tell he is so passionate about what he teaches. Exams are tricky and require a lot of reading and studying, but it isn't hard to get an A if you put in the work. He's also generous with extra credit. I would definitely recommend taking his classes if you can!

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COMM185 . Walther J B 11 Months Ago

Joe is a very sweet man, but his lectures can get boring. His class overall is pretty easy with 3 quizzes (15pts each), simple 5pt assignments, and some extra credit. Just have to read a few articles each week and follow the lecture outlines that he gives out. Not sure if I'd go out of my way to have him again, but also wouldn't be mad if I did.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 11 Months Ago

Joe is an awesome professor. He is extremely helpful and cares about his students. Nonetheless this class is definitely challenging, if you pay attention in class, ask questions and attend office hours you will do fine.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 1 Year, 1 Day Ago

Joe is such a great professor! Class had 3 exams, a group quiz, and some random participation assigments. Gives 5% extra credit for sona, gives extra credit on group quiz, and curves exams.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

I'm so sorry this was the most boring class I've ever taken. Prof droned on for hours in a super monotone voice that was hard to stay awake through. Clearly not too receptive of class behavioral feedback, either.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 3 Years Ago

I absolutely love Professor Walther. He really helped guide my through his course. His weekly quizzes can be tricky but if you do the readings, and go to TA office hours every week, the TA will help guide you on what concepts to focus on. That really helped me get through the course. He was extremely understanding and cares a lot about his students

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See all 16 reviews
COMM 149
80 / 80 Full
Communication and Organizational Culture
Jennifer Gibbs 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
25.8% A
COMM 152
80 / 80 Full
Communication & Organizational Membership
Karen Myers 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
42.0% A
COMM 156
80 / 80 Full
Health Promotion and Behavior Change
Katherine Elder 5.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
37.1% A
80 / 80 Full
Special Topics in Communication: Organizing Difference
Renee Houston 3.0
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
77.9% A
COMM 164
81 / 80 Full
Communicating Science to the Public
Katherine Elder 5.0
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
72.7% A
COMM 169
0 / 50 Closed
Social Networks
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
41.7% A