An intensive analysis of current theory and research in selected areas of organizational communication. Topics include organizational socialization/assimilation, role transitions and identity issues related to organizational membership. Discussions and assignments include theoretical traditions and real-world pressures found within organizations. Students are encouraged to bring their personal insights into the classroom and use concepts to evaluate their own organizational experiences. The culminating assignment asks students to study members in an organization outside of class.

Prerequisites: Not open to Freshmen





1, 2, 3


Not open to freshmen

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only comm intst
Karen Myers
31 reviews
Spring 2024 . Myers K K Wheeler B M
HSSB 1174
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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COMM 152 Myers K K Spring 2024 Total: 92
COMM 152 Myers K K Summer 2023 Total: 24
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COMM152 . 9 Months Ago

My first time having Prof Myers and I loved her so much that I signed up for her two classes in Fall! Material is super digestible and applicable, so much so that lectures aren't too boring. Grade consists of 2 easy pop quizzes, 2 in-class activities, weekly discussion posts on PackBack, and a mc midterm and final. One of the best profs out there!

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COMM152 . 10 Months Ago

this class was pretty chill and Myers was so sweet. weekly discussion posts and a multiple choice midterm and final.

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COMM152 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Prof. Myers is caring and gives great advice about entering the workforce. The grading criteria consists of two MC non-cumulative exams, a $10 online simulation, a paper about UCSB COMM career day, a term paper referring to a news article and research that involve concepts related to the course, and 5 class assignments/quizzes (lowest is dropped).

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COMM152 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Prof. is extremely boring the only way I'm able to pay attention to her lectures is bc she has a pdf for us to fill in words throughout her lectures. there is a lot of reading, a midterm, final, random quizzes that counts as attendance. do not take this class if you want to skip class. i don't recommend taking her. worst prof i've taken at ucsb.

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COMM152 . 4 Years Ago

Weekly quizzes/assignments but they were all easy to complete as long as you watched all the lectures and skimmed the readings. Lectures were not too long and were really helpful in breaking down the readings. The course also has one 2-3 page paper that was not too difficult either if you keep up with the class material.

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COMM152 . 6 Years Ago

I enjoyed taking this course and she was one of my favorite professors I've had at UCSB! She clearly explains the course concepts and makes it relevant to everyday life. The tests are pretty easy if you keep up with all assignments, but there's tough grading on the essay. I liked her class so much I'm taking another one of her courses next quarter

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See all 31 reviews
COMM 144
50 / 50 Full
Argumentation & Debate
Mejia R
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
76.5% A
COMM 145
50 / 50 Full
Media Entertainment
Malik M I
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
COMM 147
80 / 80 Full
Immigration and Communication
Madrigal G
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
COMM 148
80 / 80 Full
Risk Communication
Jennifer Kam 4.3
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
36.4% A
COMM 149
80 / 80 Full
Communication and Organizational Culture
Jennifer Gibbs 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
25.8% A
COMM 156
80 / 80 Full
Health Promotion and Behavior Change
Katherine Elder 5.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
37.1% A