This seminar focuses on the various dimensions of political, economic, and social order that arise from transnational conflict and cooperation, addressing such issues as the relations among sovereign states, market forces, civil society, and struggles for global justice, including on issues concerning women, gender and sexual identities.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeLectures were very dull & disengaging. Even if you attend lecture/listen, notes/slides still make no sense (she uses a lot of shorthand). First paper was only a page and a half but we were asked to write on content that we hadn't even learned. Very disappointing, did most of my learning from textbook. 2 short papers, midterm, group project, final.
This class was very easy and had interesting content. There were group presentations that made up a large part of the grade, but they were graded easily. Professor Brysk's lectures were a bit boring, and the slides had so many examples, making it slightly challenging to follow, but overall it was a good class.
Thoughtful, considerate, and reasonable. Goes out of her way to check up on students and help them succeed.
The textbook was very easy to read and understand. Her lectures are based off of the reading, so if you skip class you will most likely be very lost and confused. Attendance isn't mandatory but if you want to pass the class I recommend that you attend because the material is dense. Biweekly quizzes and 3 papers, if you want an A you must read!
The lectures are really dense and contain tons of info. Sometimes it's hard to follow her pace -- she goes pretty fast -- and the content can be very confusing for those not familiar with global studies. There are a few quizzes and short assignment, both are pretty easy. And there're two papers to write, both are not difficult and roughly 5+ pages.
Brysk is an ok prof. Her lectures are sooo dense its really hard to stay paying attention. She lectures as if we know all of this information already so I didnt have a clue what was going on most of the time and just stopped going to lecture all together. Her slides are horrendous too so many colors and weird fonts just a mess. TAs were helpful tho