This seminar focuses on how culture & religion have affected and been shaped by global processes, including such issues as cross- & inter-cultural understanding, Diasporic communities, revolutions in literature, media, & communication, religious nationalism, & the role of religion in global civil society.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
College100+ pages of reading each week, insane. Pop quizzes on those readings in short answer format, so if you didn't read good luck! Her lectures were very dense and she spoke in a monotone voice, always very serious which made lectures boring. 2 papers (midterm and final) 600 words. Somewhat easy if you did the readings. Take advantage of extra credit!
100+ pages of reading each week. Pop quizzes on readings, short answer questions so if you did not read good luck! Attendance was taken using the iclicker app. Her lectures were very dense and somewhat repetitive. She spoke in a sort of monotone voice and was very serious and formal. 2 papers that were 600 words, manageable if you did the readings.
This is by far one of the worst courses I have taken. She drowns you in at least 100 pages of reading a week with pop quizzes on the material without taking into consideration that you just may have other classes. Her lectures are extremely boring and for exams, she asks like 6 questions in one prompt, giving you 600 words to answer it. Stay away!
I have to say that this course is a piece of sxxx. Professor Clitandre herself is a very passionate and knowledgeable person, BUT the course tastes worse than my cat's poop. At least 100 pages reading per week, and the three exams are really hard to write. DO NOT take this mandatory course with her unless you are a literature professor yourself...
She did an amazing job at putting me to sleep. Wish she could talk at 2x speed. Wish she could talk like a normal human being and not like a robot. Wish there weren't pop quizzes once a week on readings I didn't do. I wish a lot of things. But more than anything, I wish I didn't take her class. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
She gives out impossible assignments, grades harshly, and blames students when they give feedback. Unfortunately I have taken 2 of her classes and they were both the same.