A writing course focusing on developing analytical skills, synthesizing multiple sources, sustaining coherent arguments, and revising for clarity of style. Reading and writing assignments are drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeChris is a great professor if you are looking at Writing courses! His assignments were really helpful for us to understand genre and the essence of writing. His grading is labor base, so as long as you do the work, he will give you the points.
Loved coming to every class as we worked through writing in a sense of getting those topics clear as opposed to grammatical stuff really. Labor based grading which made for an easy A. Tried my best with everything I wrote and tried improving from my feedback. Tons of peer review. Also had to make a presentation and lead a discussion.
Easy-going in class & on assignments. Left good feedback on most assignments before turning them in & graded fairly easily. Allows extra credit by leaving your phone w/ him. I dread writing but he incorporated different types of writing assignments, like a podcast, so it was actually enjoyable w/ interesting topics. Barely cracked open the text.
I took ACE Writing 2 with him, and I loved this class so much. He was easy to work with and not intimidating at all. I recommend taking the ACE course if you can. He let us choose our own topics for the papers, and I learned so much about not only writing, but also about myself.
Simply the best class and professor I've had so far at UCSB. The class isn't hard, and Chris doesn't grade too toughly, but he actually made me WANT to succeed and give it my best. Chris is the dude.
Professor dean was by far more than organized, prepared, and helpful in his role as an instructor for writing 2. Flexibility, creativeness, and his ability to engage the class is crucial to this course; he does all that and more. This class felt more of a potential work environment rather than a classroom environment.