The uniqueness of the culture and language of Galicia, its history, ethnography, folklore, and literature, in Galician and Spanish.

Prerequisites: Spanish 102L OR Span 30. (Prerequisite may be taken concurrently).





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Silvia Bermudez
35 reviews
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SPAN 156 Bermudez S Fall 2022 Total: 14
SPAN 156 Bermudez S Spring 2020 Total: 20
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SPAN156 . Bermudez S 8 Years Ago

Not a hard class by any means, but she does expect you to read and participate- which is hard when the reading is dense. However, she does like to show short videos in class, and bring modern concepts into the study of Galician culture which allows you to put a lot of things into context. Two papers, a midterm, and attendance make up your grade!

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SPAN156 . Bermudez S 19 Years Ago

comes off mean but is a great prof!!.. makes lecture very interesting and not much homework..

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SPAN156 . Bermudez S 20 Years Ago

she does not give out much homework. when taking a midter you will know what is needed. she will test you on thinks she has talked about and also she will go over the midterm with you. at first i thought she was a mean instructor but she really isn't.

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LAIS10 . Bermudez S 9 Months Ago

She is the most difficult person I have had to deal with in my time here at UCSB. She walks into lecture like she's the smartest person in the room, and picks on you when you don't raise your hand to say something every time. Attendance is practically mandatory and she is very unreachable when you cant make it. Super inflexible and arrogant.

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LAIS10 . Bermudez S 10 Months Ago

Participation is extremely important in this course and Prof Bermudez will call on you if you don't volunteer. But in a condescending way and it doesn't foster an environment where students are encouraged to participate or feel they want to. TA was very nice and sections were easier. Make sure to read before every class and read very carefully.

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SPAN110D . Bermudez S 4 Years Ago

The course syllabus is diametrically opposed to the teaching of the class. Panoptic pedagogy, Royal Spanish Academy imperialism, cultural and linguistic Eurocentrism and enlightened despotism are the professors pedagogical methods.

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SPAN 138
25 / 30 Enrolled
Contemporary Mexican Literature
Sara Poot-Herrera 3.1
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
74.3% A
SPAN 141
35 / 30 Full
Contemporary Indigenous Cultures of Mexico
Sara Poot-Herrera 3.1
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
84.2% A
30 / 30 Full
Almodóvar's Spain: Cinema and Society
Eloi Grasset 4.9
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
71.0% A
4 / 30 Enrolled
Basque Language and Culture
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
81.0% A
SPAN 163
0 / 30 Enrolled
Nicaraguan Poetry
Jorge Luis Castillo 4.6
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
57.5% A
SPAN 165
25 / 25 Full
Andean Literature, Music, and Culture
Myriam Gonzales Smith 3.6
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
85.7% A