Cellular and organismal growth and other responses are controlled by positive and negative cues from both internal and external sources. We discuss the signaling mechanisms that recognize these cues and initiate an intracellular set of events that generates a response. We also discuss the molecular mechanisms of pattern formation and cellular differentiation that underlie developmental processes in a variety of important multicellular model systems.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe was engaging, recorded lectures, and was willing to answer questions. In 133H he asked questions to guide us to understand the material. The topic itself is hard, it is immunobiology. To learn about the immune system you need to understand how everything links and how to analyze data. Fair midterms, you HAVE to study. Hard subject = hard class.
Absolutely the worst upper div bio class l've taken. Expect to spend 5-7+ hours outside of the lectures, review sesh, & section every week to do well. Syllabus guidelines flew out the window at the end (what happened to grading transparency?) and some people were curved over a whole letter grade while others weren't. Focus on the final ig.
the class is so dense and fast there's a slide for every minute of the class. two of the lecture videos didn't get uploaded and all he said was that it didn't upload, not that he would re-record them. For someone who said that the class material was very heavy at the beginning of the quarter, he sure seems like he doesn't want us to succeed.
you can tell that professor de tomaso knows his stuff but he is incredibly out of touch with how much students know. his lectures are insanely dense and the slides are crafted poorly. also tells you to not memorize anything then goes and puts it on the test. tests are very long with packed questions that require multiple rereads just to understand.
Goes 5+ minutes over pretty much every lecture and rushes so fast through the last couple slides every class. Also always starts lecture late. Disorganized and incoherent lectures.
Has no regard for his students. Doesn't have the second midterm graded and its almost week 10. Always great to know what concepts you need to review like a week before the final.