Discusses the concept of cognitive development, its psychobiological basis, and representative psychobiological, information processing, Piagetian, and linguistic theories of cognitive development.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in PBS or DYNS





1, 2, 3


Graduate students only

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only pbs dyns
Annie Wertz
9 reviews
PSY 226 Liberman Z E Spring 2018 Total: 12
PSY 226 German T C M Spring 2013 Total: 5
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PSY105 . 2 Months Ago

this class was super easy with one midterm and non-cumulative final. the prof was so approachable and nice and the lectures were very engaging. attendance wasnt mandatory but the lectures were always full bc wertz is awesome :)

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PSY105 . 3 Months Ago

LOVEEEE HER explains topics in really engaging ways and the content was interesting. Tests were fair and the course load is light just a weekly reading, quiz, and discussion. Also her research through the LILAC lab is super interesting and you can tell she's passionate about the subject! 10/10 recommend

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PSY105 . 3 Months Ago

An incredible professor!! Her lectures are very interesting and engaging. Super easy to reach outside of class. Could not recommend her class more. There are weekly quizzes (unlimited attempts) and weekly discussion boards (no word count minimum). Her exams use quiz questions(word for word) and are theory based. Super passionate and knowledgeable!

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PSY105 . 3 Months Ago

Dr. Wertz is an amazing professor, and I absolutely LOVED her class. You can tell she has a true passion for what she is teaching. There are weekly online quizzes that you can take an unlimited amount of times, one midterm, a final, and an article summary assignment near the end of the quarter. The final is non-cumulative as well. Highly recommend!

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PSY105 . 3 Months Ago

Dr. Wertz is amazing and knowledgeable! There is one midterm and the final which use quiz questions and are all based off of the lecture. The final is not cumulative. Short weekly quizzes with unlimited attempts. I recommend taking this class.

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PSY105 . 3 Months Ago

Would definitely take Prof.Wertz's class again. Her class was so engaging and inspirational. If you show up to her lectures and pay attention you will very likely to get an A

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See all 9 reviews
PSY 197C
0 / 40 Enrolled
Honors Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences
100.0% A
PSY 198
0 / 0 Full
Readings in Psychological & Brain Sciences
100.0% A
PSY 199
0 / 1 Enrolled
Independent Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences
99.2% A
PSY 199P
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09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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13:00 PM - 15:20 PM
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