The use in psychology of the general linear model, multiple regression, discriminant function analysis, factor-analysis, and prinicipal components analysis.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeShe is the sweetest woman EVER! One of my favorite psych professors! Also, the material was everything I ever wanted. I loved the textbook & am actually even keeping it! 48% midterm, 48% final, 4% participation activities (they were fun!) and a 3% E.C. opportunity. I loved everything about this class. Probably my favorite class at UCSB. I love her!
Such a sweet lady. Super interesting material and she presents it in such a clear way. The book was super informative and easy to read. Lectures not mandatory, but not at all a hassle to go to; slide summaries always posted on GS. One of my favorite classes I've taken at UCSB.
Nancy is a great teacher. She makes the material interesting and fun. She's bubbly and cute, which makes going to class not such a chore. Nice class!
48%- Midterm 48%- Final (not cumulative) 4%- 4 Participation Activities on Gauchospace (only takes 5 minutes) 3%- Extra Credit opportunity Interesting content- really easy to memorize because it feels like common sense. Easy A if you review all the notes and skim readings.
Nancy is just an all around amazing professor. She is so straight forward and her tests are EASY! They are organized by chapter so they are so straightforward. She's so full of life and always happy! I read the book, but it is just supplemental if anything. If you want an A in an UD take this class!
Best Professor at UCSB by far! Class was extremely interesting and applicable to real life. Gave extra credit opportunity and class participation activities were posted online so you could do them even if you miss the lecture.