Topics covered: atomic structure of matter; reaction stoichiometry; solution stoichiometry; gasses; quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of atoms; chemical bonding (molecular shapes, hybridization, and molecular orbital theory).
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeBEST PROF AT UCSB. Delay taking your first qtr. of gen chem until the winter of your first year because he teaches one quarter behind the regular pathway. I got an A in 1A, B in 1B, and B in 1C, and am convinced I would have failed Gen Chem and dropped this major if not for Price. He is extremely knowledgeable and lectures amazingly. GET DR. PRICE!
Very clearly cares about students. Amazing at simplifying difficult material and breaking down concepts. Probably one of the best professors I've ever had. I owe him for my success in chemistry.
He genuinely wants students to succeed- and he understands that general chemistry is incredibly challenging. He does not make you memorize unnecessary complex ions and is very modern in his approach to teaching. This is class is inevitably very difficult, so to pull it off its important you understand what's happening and not just memorize.
Professor Price makes the tricky content easy to grasp. The lectures are super clear, and the recorded videos are a lifesaver for reviewing. Use the practice exams and unstuckstudy ai - they'll prep you for the tough tests. Just put in the work and an A is very doable.
I was really nervous to go through the chem series, but professor Price seems like by far the best gen chem teacher. His lectures were clear and easy to understand, and the midterms and finals were EXACTLY like his practice midterms. I did less than 5 book problems throughout both of chem 1A and 1B because the practice exams carried me.
Price is an amazing chem professor and is good at making the difficult content easy to digest. Lectures are very clear and lecture videos are posted online in case you need to go back to review/miss a lecture. Exams can be difficult but are similar to the practice exams given so be sure to utilize those.