Africa is the only continent with a Muslim majority, with more than a quarter of the world?s Muslims living there. Americans tend to associate Islam with Arabs, but Africans greatly outnumber Arabs in the religion. There are more Muslims in Nigeria than in Egypt, more in Ethiopia than Iraq. 1/6th of the world?s Muslims reside in sub-Saharan Africa. How did this come to be? How has the adoption of Islam by Africans shaped their history? And, conversely, how have Africans shaped Islam? We answer these questions by exploring 14 centuries of Islamic African history. We also explore Islam as a system of religious meaning by studying the teachings and writings of African Muslims.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeDoes not care about students. Is homophobic
Just way too bad. Not a fan.
Work for your grade, but not too bad. A little disorganized, but replies to emails for sure. Awesome lectures, loved hearing him speak. Truly inspirational.
Hands down the worst professor ever. Beyond unorganized. Input wrong grades. Never posted his email & didn't respond to the one on UCSB's website. Had an extension to submit grades & missed the deadline. Has no respect for students time & I had to wait for over an hour for office hours. His class is boring, poorly done, & you have to buy HIS books.
Solid lecturer and made the material interesting to a STEM major. Definitely attend lectures, since he bases the paper+exams heavily around lecture material **that I couldn't reliably find online**. Readings can be long but just get the general ideas of them and you'll be fine. TA's grade most of work, but he'll curve if they grade differently
I think that this has been the most interesting GE I've taken so far. I don't disagree that Ware is disorganized and goes off on tangents, but they're always correlated with class and help contextualize the information we are learning. He is evidently passionate about his work and his teaching. But, the readings can be crazy long, so be prepared.