A writing course focusing on developing analytical skills, synthesizing multiple sources, sustaining coherent arguments, and revising for clarity of style. Reading and writing assignments are drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeIf you are looking for a fun, "easy" class, this is not it. Extremely tough grader and so specific in what she is looking for even though the rubric is very vague. Accessible outside of office hours and gives insightful feedback but it is not easy to get an A. So much busy work that I did not think was worth the time.
participation matters
Don't know anything about the other Writing 2 profs, but if you're "stuck" with Yamboliev, it's not the end of the world. She's really fast at grading and gives hella feedback, which I really appreciated, even if it was overwhelming. Ask her ANY/ALL questions you might have - she basically did my analysis for me. Deadlines are daunting but doable.
I believe that Professor Yamboliev is very enthusiastic about her teachings in her Writing 2 class. Taking her class will ensure that you will leave her class with in-depth knowledge of writing, time management, and synthesizing deep analysis. However, if you're not ready to put in your effort to take this class, don't take it. You will regret it.
Would highly recommend you take WRIT 2 with a different prof. A lot of her writing prompts are confusing and ends up gives very passive aggressive feedback on papers. Easy to talk to but if you have the ability to get a different prof, DO IT.
Shes a really fast grader, but a tough one. A lot of other writing 2 professors are much easier so I would recommend taking it with a different professor. She has good insight, but again it is hard to do well. She also assigns a lot of work.