Working memory (WM), a core cognitive function, enables the maintenance and manipulation of a limited amount of information over disruptions in sensory input. This correlates with measures of academic achievement and general intelligence, and the neural mechanisms of WM can be effectively studied in animal model systems. We will survey the history of models of WM, with emphasis on modern study of WM capacity limits in humans and animals based on performance in visual tasks. We will cover theoretical & computational models of behavioral performance on WM tasks, theories of the neural mechanisms supporting WM, and how such models can be evaluated empirically in animal model systems and with human cognitive neuroscience methods.

Prerequisites: PSY 106 or 111; Open to Psychological & Brain Sciences, Biopsychology, and Interdisciplinary Studies majors only.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only psy bipsy intst pbs
Thomas Tommy Sprague
61 reviews
Spring 2024 . Sprague T C
ILP 2211
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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PSY 163TS Sprague T C Spring 2024 Total: 83
PSY 163TS Sprague T C Spring 2023 Total: 48
See All
PSY163TS . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

50% of the grade was participation which makes no sense in a class with over a hundred students in a lecture hall. The other 50% were exams based on incredibly difficult to understand readings. Hes a really nice guy but it was his first time teaching the class and it really showed, there was no organization or purpose to the class.

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163TS . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

One of the kindest professors in the PBS Department. Such an engaging lecturer, made 3 hours go by quickly!

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PSY163TS . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

Asks for our feedback then doesn't listen. Lectures too fast for us to understand. Asks us to read too many papers for us to actually take the time to understand then because there are too many papers, he can't take the time to help us understand them. He needs to assign less so he can focus on those things and take the time to actually teach us.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 11 Months Ago

Sprague was honestly super awesome. The class overall is relatively easy to do good in, just take the quizzes seriously. Probably one of the biggest drags of the class is the amount of reading he assigns, sometimes up to 2 40 page chapters a week. I found cognition a bit tricky, but if it's something you find cool, this class will be a breeze.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 5 Days Ago

Sprague is one of the best teachers at UCSB. His best qualities are how understanding, patient and down-to-earth he is. He lays out very reasonable and organized expectations on how to do well. Three non-cumulative exams and you get an entire cheat sheet front and back. 8 weekly online quizzes: two lowest scores dropped and extra credit offered

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 5 Days Ago

One of the best psych professors I have taken so far at UCSB. Grading was 3 tests that varied in weight depending on your score and small quizzes due weekly.

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See all 61 reviews
PSY 155L
32 / 32 Full
Laboratory in Evolutionary Psychology
James Roney 3.4
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
43.4% A
PSY 156L
30 / 30 Full
Laboratory in Developmental Psychology
Zoe Liberman 3.2
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
PSY 159
125 / 125 Full
Health Psychology
David Sherman 3.6
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
63.0% A
56 / 150 Enrolled
Special Topics in Psychology - History of Psychology
Alan Fridlund 4.1
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
23.1% A
PSY 161
25 / 80 Enrolled
Michael Goard 4.3
09:00 AM - 11:50 AM
50.0% A
45 / 50 Enrolled
Neurocircuitry of Psychiatric Disorders
Smith I
12:00 PM - 14:50 PM
79.8% A