Research opportunities for undergraduate students. Students practice their data science and applied statistics skills by completing a hands-on team project on a practical problem proposed by a project sponsor. Students are expected to give regular oral presentations and prepare at least one written report on their research.
2 - 4
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThe lectures were lackluster and behind schedule, making the course feel a lot harder than it really was. Coburn grades generously, but I feel that I've learned very little in her class.
Prof Baracaldo is not the best at explaining 131 material; she goes rly deep into all of statistical ML proofs and is often times confusing. She's nice though and gives good feedback on project if you approach her after class. HW and quizzes are not bad. TA is rly helpful. Overall not a hard class but ML concepts are hard to understand in general.
Frequently made mistakes on example problems and often did not give clear answers to student questions. Resulting slow pace led to us missing 2 full weeks of content. Didn't really promote understanding of material, just how to plug in formulas. Honestly not even worth the easy A for PSTAT majors. Take someone else if possible
Super nice professor, class was very fairly graded on easy homework and final project, clear grading criteria. Available after class and at office hours to answer any and all questions, will help you directly with any specific problem. Quizzes were very simple and open book/internet, just a basic check to make sure you're paying attention.
I am the PSTAT 115 student.the best professor I have ever met at UCSB. Well-prepared and organized lecture The exams are not easy, but if you follow her step, you will do well on the exams. she should not got low grade, she is so patient when answer my question.I got 100% on canvas, it gives me confidence and I really love it and the professor
Dr. Coburn is a really sweet lady and posts all her lecture videos online for 120C. The exams are tough and you won't find the answers in hw or anything, but doable if you watch all the lecture videos in entirety. Pay close attention to hw because it is graded with scrutiny. She is super caring and helpful in office hours so definitely go.