Patterns in the phenomenon of civil war and ethnic conflict. A survey of the causes of these conflicts and an exploration of the consequences. Special attention is given to several key cases of civil conflict to illustrate core concepts.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI honestly loved Prof Coggins, her lectures were really interesting and even though we had to miss a few weeks because of jury duty i learned so much. Its a hard class and you will have to work for the A but her midterm and final are really straightforward. The papers were tough BUT go see your TA!!!!!!!!!!!
She is one of the worst professors I've had. We covered some interesting materials in the class, but I would not retake her course. She did not provide clear grading rubrics for the papers we had to write, and I did not know my grade towards the end of the quarter. Also, she gave poor-quality feedback on our papers.
The worst professor of all time, no exaggeration : avoid at ANY cost. Doesn't care at all about teaching, awful lecturer, no structure of class, inexistent guidelines to succeed, always passive agressive, not understanding, not humble, not caring, power complex. The most passionate IR kid will want to become EECS Major after this.
I am not exaggerating when I say she is the worst professor I have ever had. She does not care about the class or helping her students succeed. I got zero feedback throughout the entire quarter, and this made it extremely tough to write a 8 PAGE SINGLE SPACED PAPER. She is a nice person, but I would change my major before taking her class again.
Coggins was a solid professor. The first half of the class was really interesting but the second half was pretty dull. If you are interested in the topic of civil wars, I recommend you take this course.
Professor Coggins is a great lecturer and makes her lectures easy to understand. She is very thorough in her explanations. The class was very interesting. Highly recommend taking it with her.