Study of the characteristics of bacteria and viruses, both pathogenic and adventitious, as they are associated with diseases of humans.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis class has been relatively easy in comparison to other MCDB upperdivision courses. Everything is 100% memorization based on her slides and what she says so make sure to listen carefully and write everything down. Low is funny and I enjoyed listening to her lectures.
her online recordings just make me chuckle
Her lectures are extremely long and dense. The lecture slides are all over the place and you have to pay close attention on what she is saying because they will appear on the midterms/ final. Her teaching style is like "if this does that, then that does this." For the midterms and final, she does not give you a lot of time and harsh grader. 0/10
Really frustrated with how this course went. Your entire grade is essentially two midterms and a final. There is very little room for error in this class. Test questions are often written very vaguely but will want a specific answer. Also, took this during the pandemic and was my only class where there was no curve and no accommodation whatsoever.
Hard to understand. Grading on tests is really tough and not too clear. Obvious lack of communication between students and professor on whats going to be on the test or what should be studied.
Her tests are extremely poorly written. They aren't difficult, but rather very unclear. She asks ambiguous questions and even if you answer correctly, unless you give the specific response she is looking for, which is not clear, she marks you wrong. To do well on the tests, instead of learning the material, you have to learn how to take her tests.