Covers the basics of the topology of the complex plane, series of complex numbers, differentiability of functions of a complex variable, the complex exponential and logarithm functions, contour integration, power series and analytic continuation, among other related topics.
1 - 4
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitCreative studies
CollegeSmart and handsome guy. Really into math stuff. But the grading is a bit harsh but luckily he curves the grades finally..
Don't take him. Final and midterm weight heavy, and the tests are hard. A lots of assignments have to do. 117 is stressful and the lecture is not helpful.
Really helpful lectures, and he's good at answering questions. He didn't assign a ton of homework, but what he did assign was pretty hard so going to office hours was necessary for me. The tests were hard, but he graded and curved SUPER generously. Honestly nothing bad to say, I'd recommend him to anyone.
He only copy down the textbook on the whiteboard. test are difficult and tough grader, avoid him!!! I don't think he's aware that this is a summer course.
midterm/final average was low af. doesnt really teach and expects you to review stuff on your own. tests are difficult
To get a good grade is easy, the lectures are good, the professor is really nice, but algebraic geometry really killed me.