The argument principle, Rouche’s theorem, analytic continuation, conformal mapping, fractional transformations and applications, infinite products, harmonic functions. Other topics at the discretion of the instructor.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeExplained all concepts very thoroughly, and gave practice materials that prepped you very much for the exams.
Did not give clear responses to a lot of relevant questions. Focused mainly on teaching formulas as opposed to building actual understanding of vector calculus (you might or might not prefer this). Tests were EXACTLY like the practice tests, drawback is that there's 0 partial credit.
Fantastic professor. Lectures were organized and the exams are basically the same as the practice exams. She gives A LOT of extra credit, my final score were actually 106%. HW are not very hard and she explain one or two of the HW questions during class. If you spend time in doing HW and understanding the practice exams then you are guarantee an A.
Makes math easy. Make sure to cover the practice tests before midterm/final. Don't mess up the final like me and go down a letter grade. Doesn't offer partial credit on exams so triple check you didn't make any calculation errors.
I tried taking 6A with two other (bad) professors before sticking with Landry. I found her lectures to be a little all over the place, but she would always upload them to Canvas. Homework is on Webwork. Two OPEN NOTE midterms and the lowest score gets dropped. Final was take home. I barely went to class and got an A.
Just focus on the practice exams and you'll be fine.