A look at the techniques and history of animation with emphasis on the major styles and methods of production, including cel, direct, photo, three-dimensional and computer. Close examination of significant films combined with production of a class project.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
Collegeoffers a little bit of extra credit
by far my favorite professor at UCSB so far. the class was graded in thirds: one third for the first paper, one third on the second paper, and one third based on attendance, participation, and journals based on the readings. such a lovely person to be around.
I LOVE THIS PROFESSOR. I have the utmost respect for her and the only thing I regret about taking this class was not going to her office hours to get to know her better. The class is graded on 2 papers and journals due twice a week. Minimal reading. Participation counts. I will probably get a B in the class because I know my second essay was weaker
no tests and three paper opportunites but you only need to write two. daily write ups on the reading. love the way she runs class, but i hate poetry which made it more of a struggle. if you like or get poetry, it's fine, but I liked Caldwell in spite of the subject
She was sick and had to leave the class mid-quarter, but I greatly enjoyed her teaching style! Emphasis on class discussion. Only 2 papers and 10 journals required. Heavy reading though...100-150 pages per week. But that's because of the reading of 3 novels in 10 weeks. Interesting lectures and grader.