Final quarter of a year-long team project to develop a new environmental venture. Requires completion of marketing communication materials and a public presentation.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitEnvironmental science
CollegeDo NOT take 101A with Cotter. You will regret it. Take Thrower's 101A in Winter and Christoffersen's Spring 101B. She is disorganized and unclear in lectures and unable to answer simple clarification questions. When my friend asked her to re-examine a test question, she read his answer out loud in mockery in front of other students. Bad professor.
Great Professor!! She is a bit scattered in lecture but very clear on what was expected of us on exams. (I got an A+) Ability to learn / comprehend the material on your own is essential. Very helpful in office hours, she'll spend as much time with you as you need (TA's were great too!) I loved the course and I'm not really interested in genetics.
The class was interesting but very difficult and tests were WAY too long for the class. She isn't a great teacher, jumps around and messes up and expects you to memorize and understand a very long experiment that is overkill. Doing well relies on you learning/memorizing most material yourself and ability to go to CLAS and ask many questions.
Very passionate about genetics and wants her students to think like a scientist. Her teaching skills are not so great, she is very unorganized. Material was super interesting but test were hard and long. Expect to study very hard and very long. CLAS mandatory to do well. Make sure you know what terminology she'll be looking for on exams. Hard class
She is all over the place in scatterbrained and not organized at all. Acts like her students have a prior background in genetics. Slides are vague, tests are way too long and she grades them not according to what you know but whether you phrase things the way she likes. Definitely recommend CLAS to make sense of her madness.
She was a ridiculous professor. If I hadn't retaken the course with Thrower I would have died in Cristofferson's class. Avoid taking this class with her. I went to every one, read the book, CLAS did the HW sets and still did poorly. She just doesn't know how to teach.