An introduction to basic statistical concepts and applications in communication research. Through lecture and computer labs, students are exposed to the principles and procedures involved in quantitative data analysis.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHamilton was such an engaging lecturer and really good at being accessible for questions. Take good notes and you should be good. 3 exams with MCQ and calculation problems that are graded on a very lenient curve. You can use the textbook and any sticky notes you stuff in it on the test. Minimal homework.
Kristy Hamilton is a great professor who is extremely knowledgable. Pretty much everything on the test can be found in her lectures. Her grading criteria is very clear and she is very fair. Her classes are interesting and applicable for future career paths in marketing/communication. I would recommend her classes anyday!
The class involves everybody being put into groups of 6-7 people to work on a marketing campaign for a business, submitting 6 assignments as a group together. If your group is hardworking and interested in marketing, you'll do great. Final exam was difficult but not impossible. I would definitely take another class with Hamilton.
dr. hamilton is great! 3 papers, attendance is mandatory, and a final. each paper has very clear grading criteria and are graded pretty fairly. lectures are very engaging as well. i recommend!
Comm 160DM is a great class and it is easy to do well as long as you apply yourself and use the lecture material. Only 3 major assignments (besides the final). Dr. Hamilton is funny and engaging in lectures and I learned the most from this Comm class out of every one I've taken. Take this class if you want to go into marketing!
Dr. Hamilton is awesome! She is seriously so smart and KNOWS what she is talking about. I asked her about a question on the exam and instead of just telling me that I simply got it wrong, she helped me really understand and went as far as providing another example question to make sure I understood. Not a bad workload. Pay attention in lecture.