History and philosophy of behavior management approaches, behavioral assessment procedures, treatment delivery paradigms, parent-training, nonaversive/aversive issues, generalization and maintenance of treatment gains, causes, evaluation of behavior changes, medicine, self-management.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitGraduate school
CollegeClass is very easy to manage and interesting. There are weekly readings and lectures followed by quizzes on each. Quizzes are straight forward and open book. There are also 3 papers that are about 1000-1500 words each about self reflection and reading assignments. Goodwin and his TA's are also very caring and flexible and I enjoyed discussions
Professor Goodwin is one of my favorite professors at UCSB. He really cares about the success of his students and is willing to change the class schedule around in case students are overwhelmed or seem to benefit from a different due date. There are weekly reading quizzes, participation activities, and 3 papers, all of which are super easy.
Dr. Goodwin is SUCH an incredible professor because of his care for students and understanding. Two papers (very easy & short) were graded really easy. Basically, just show up, turn everything in on time, and you'll get an easy A (while actually learning helpful info too). 10/10 recommend Goodwin to students of all majors!
Dr. Goodwin is new at UCSB but he's an excellent prof! Very generous, compassionate, and open-minded. Went to his OH a couple of times just to vibe. 3 major papers, weekly quizzes, and participation activities. Sounds a lot but def manageable. Lots of readings so be sure to space them out!