Introduction to the sociological study of globalization. Survey of principal theories and debates in globalization studies with a focus on economic, political, and cultural transnational processes, gender/race/class and globalization, transnational social movements, and local-global linkages.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
Great professor. He knows the material and is very well versed on the topics. I will say, learn how to write an essay before you begin reflections. He isn't as clear on his expectations however be as academic as you possibly can be. Treat it as a real analysis paper than an “reflection.”
His minimum reading is at least 100 pages per week and expects us to write a 1000 word essay weekly, which he sets the deadline to be at 10 pm. I get so stressed out every Tuesday. On one of the weeks, he even made us read an entire book of more than 200 pages on top a list of documentaries. Take his class if you are a strong reader.
Robinson…the prof that makes people want to drop out & handles his courses like a dictator. Him & his gang of male TAs are rude, arrogant, & grade harshly with unclear parameters. I've taken 2 of his classes now. He sloppily throws together a 3hr lecture, makes you buy the overly wordy materials he writes for profit, & man-splains til you're blue.
AWFUL PPT maker. BRIGHT green background and BRIGHT yellow fonts. It's very unprofessional, lazy and difficult to look at for a long time. Extremely inconsistent fonts and text sizes (random capitalizations). PPT strains my eyes due to the intense coloring. 5 different fonts in 2 pages, ridiculous, and AI generated images.
HORRIBLE professor. He has very interesting material but teaches in block three hour classes with monotonous lectures over powerpoints. Very arbitrary criteria for the reflections that are then graded by TA's somehow even more arbitrarily. To sum it up, great material and just horrible horrible class structuring and teaching delivery.
This professor clearly has a huge ego problem and was very unaccommodating towards students. That being said, he taught me more than I have ever learned in a class. He truly broadened my perspective every lecture and I looked forward to going to class, which I never had felt before. A lot of work but readings can be skimmed.