Topics covered: atomic structure of matter; reaction stoichiometry; solution stoichiometry; gasses; quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of atoms; chemical bonding (molecular shapes, hybridization, and molecular orbital theory).
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Joseph is a good and energetic professor, however the class is hard. The exams are difficult, so put effort into doing all his recommended problems.
Prof. Joseph has a clear passion for chemistry - lectures are energetic and engaging, occasionally with cool demonstrations. Previous chem knowledge will not carry you through the course, as it quickly moves past any high school chemistry content. Exams are difficult but fair. The class averages were consistently around 66% for each exam and final.
Considering how INCREDIBLY hard this class is and how little lecture time he has, Joseph does a great job and is amazing at explaining things. He really wants you to succeed. I've always considered myself decently smart but this class DEFEATED me. I dedicated an infinite amount of hours to this class. DO EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF THE BOOK PROBLEMS!!!
Honestly this class is just insanely hard no matter the professor... however to succeed in his class do the reading (seriously) and do all the book problems. Also, its super important to do ALL PRACTICE EXAMS and make sure to use your resources wisely like CLAS or private tutoring. Also trust the curve, i genuinely thought i wouldn't pass but did.
- Lectures seemed comprehendible but the tests were much harder - Review questions and questions in lectures seemed easy but the questions on the test were much harder - I felt there was barely a curve -Funny and nice -Do not recommend if you're not passionate about science/going into a STEM major/ if you're only doing this for your requirements.
Tests are ridiculously hard compared to other gen chem professors BUT I do feel he is a good lecturer and prepares you the best. Prepare to suffer