Examines spatial dynamics of anti-Blackness and spatial politics of resistance in relational and comparative geographical perspectives. Study of colonial histories of spatial violence and current patterns of residential segregation, homelessness, and police brutality, as well as the struggle for urban citizenship in societies of the African Diaspora. The goal of the course is threefold: a) it analyzes institutional policies and mundane practices that produce cityscapes as anti-Black; b) it interrogates the Marxist-oriented framework on "the right to the city;" and c) it gives visibility to Black gendered spatial praxes that challenge exclusionary city politics and their attending geographies of anti-Blackness.

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs Area D Ethnicity Writing
Jaime Alves
15 reviews
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BL ST 129 Noguera J M Winter 2022 Total: 53
BL ST 129 Noguera J M Winter 2021 Total: 43
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BLST174 . Alves J A 9 Months Ago

I loved Professor Alves's class and it was very eye opening. The content can be a lot to process, but if you do the readings you can really gain a whole new perspective. The course was graded on two papers and a final presentation (plus participation). Prof Alves is a leading scholar in his field and I'd strongly recommend taking a class with him!

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BLST174 . Alves J A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

I've had Professor Alves on two separate occasions now and he's genuinely fantastic. He's super passionate about his work and it translates through the quality of his lectures. He assigns quite a few readings but all are very interesting and eye-opening. I found him to be very approachable so don't be afraid to email or visit his office hours!

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BLKST2 . Alves J A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Professor Alves is great! He is passionate about what he teaches and makes lectures interesting. The class is overall fairly easy. I would definitely recommend taking this course.

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BLKST2 . Alves J A 2 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class. Learned so many new things and ways of thinking about my own culture. TA helped a lot, but he really tries his best to get you to understand things in class. 3 essays for the entire quarter and a couple of last-minute extra credit opportunities. Overall would take his class again and it got me interested in this minor.

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BLST2 . Alves J A 3 Years Ago

Provides little to no feedback and does not have a clear grading rubric Harsh grader and mandatory attendance and pop quizzes during a pandemic is inconsiderate and risky.

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BLST2 . Alves J A 3 Years Ago

So many readings I felt like he over-complicated so many topics I didn't get to absorb much because every topic felt tangled up and like I wasn't educated enough on? I don't know I guess I was hoping to learn a lot more but he's really unapproachable & I am too scared to ask questions.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
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BL ST 106
34 / 65 Enrolled
Women and Politics of the Body
Strings S A
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
45.0% A
BL ST 143
35 / 40 Enrolled
Les Burnett 1.4
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
52.8% A
11 / 30 Enrolled
Performance of Literature
Coffey Edison
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
52.9% A
BL ST 151
5 / 65 Enrolled
Gender, Sexuality and African Cinema
Jude Akudinobi 3.3
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
57.0% A
BL ST 154
28 / 40 Enrolled
Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice
Denaud E T
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
63.9% A
BL ST 155
0 / 65 Closed
Dreams and Conflicts: Black Visual Culture
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
68.5% A