A survey of the culture and society of the Caribbean. After surveying Amerindian communities and examining the impact of the Atlantic slave trade, focus will be on slavery, emancipation, African and Creole cultures,and the issues accompanying an independent nationhood status.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeUgh why can't all professors be like her? Seriously, if she's teaching the class I want in ASAP. She's so passionate. I love her lectures. They make you want to participate. We had 3-4 take-home papers. It helps keep your grade stabilized. She's also very understanding. Although I didn't like the TA "CROSKEY P E," her grading criteria are awful.
Amazing teacher who cares a lot about her students. Content is very well put together and she is very passionate about it. Light work load, and the work that is assigned is stuff you actually will enjoy doing. Very adaptable content and understanding teacher. Great class and professor, highly recommend.
An interesting and overall chill class. Only assignments are take home exams with 4 questions for each unit. Also multiple extra credit opportunities. Prof Tinsley is super interesting and funny, and class starts off with music/music video. Her ESA comes to class she's super cute. Def Recommend.
Dr. Tinsley is amazing. The readings/viewings/lectures are always relevant to the exams. Dr. Tinsley is very helpful through meetings and email. If you are concerned about writing/reading extensively, this course may not be for you. Your grade is determined by content based essay exams. NOT an easy A, but 100% recommended. You will learn A LOT!
Absolutely fantastic professor! BLST 153 was incredibly interesting, and the feedback you get on your weekly-ish journal assignments is incredibly helpful. Prof. Tinsley's very flexible with due dates, and is quite available outside of class. Really looking forward to taking another class with her!
I really enjoyed Professor Tinsley's class. It's a little heavy on the reading but you get to watch videos/movies as well. There were 6 reading journals and she gives you really thoughtful feedback. The class was well structured and if you put the effort you're supposed to for the reading journals and do the reading, you'll be guaranteed an A.