Introduction to the oceans and atmosphere and their role in the Earth's climate and its weather patterns. Focus on the flows of solar energy through the ocean and atmosphere systems. Human impacts of the Earth's climate are also introduced.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
I love him
Used iclicker and slide heavy lectures but not too bad. Grades were based on section attendance/ activities and midterm and final not a hard class but if you want an a you have to study for the midterms and final
He is an amazing professor. Nothing wrong or bad to say about him, however one of his TA's was a tough grader. He would literally give me a 99.75 instead of 100 on the homework or just always be extra. Other than the TA, as long as you study and read the chapters/lectures you will be fine
Prof Devries is very kind and clearly cares about geography, my TA Nikita was also awesome. Took this for a GE and highly recommend it.
Overall a nice guy, but he's not an inspiring lecturer by any means. Class is attendance, biweekly hw, midterm and final. Material is relatively difficult for a class with no math prerequisites. The hw is really hard to do w/o going to OH because he does very little math in lecture. Midterm/final are pretty fair, but definitely need to study.
Iclicker and mandatory attendance. Labs are fine and tests are easy.