Timothy Devries

34 reviews
Participation matters Clear grading criteria Hilarious Lecture heavy EXTRA CREDIT Respected Amazing lectures Skip class? You won't pass. Get ready to read Group projects Caring Accessible outside class Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework Test heavy
Past quarters
GEOG 163
48 / 48 Full
Ocean Circulation
Timothy Devries 4.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
46.3% A
See All
GEOG3 . 4 Months Ago

I love him

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GEO3 . 1 Year, 17 Days Ago

Used iclicker and slide heavy lectures but not too bad. Grades were based on section attendance/ activities and midterm and final not a hard class but if you want an a you have to study for the midterms and final

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GEO3 . 1 Year, 22 Days Ago

He is an amazing professor. Nothing wrong or bad to say about him, however one of his TA's was a tough grader. He would literally give me a 99.75 instead of 100 on the homework or just always be extra. Other than the TA, as long as you study and read the chapters/lectures you will be fine

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GEO3 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Prof Devries is very kind and clearly cares about geography, my TA Nikita was also awesome. Took this for a GE and highly recommend it.

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GEOG163 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Overall a nice guy, but he's not an inspiring lecturer by any means. Class is attendance, biweekly hw, midterm and final. Material is relatively difficult for a class with no math prerequisites. The hw is really hard to do w/o going to OH because he does very little math in lecture. Midterm/final are pretty fair, but definitely need to study.

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GEOG3 . 2 Years Ago

Iclicker and mandatory attendance. Labs are fine and tests are easy.

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GEO3 . 3 Years Ago

Everything is good with this class except the grading scale. He didn’t post the grading scale until the quarter already ended. For my class, 91.5 was A. Quite ironically, I got 91.49 and got A-. Good enough for me but I wish he could have let us known earlier so that we could manage the amount of dedication we put in for this class.

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GEOG3 . 3 Years Ago

Super chill guy who surfs before class if he has time. Easy to understand slides even if the material gets a little complex sometimes. iClicker questions throughout class but I missed quite a few lectures without it affecting my grade all that much, he always posts slides which is really helpful.

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GEOG3 . 3 Years Ago

No complaints about the Professor, he is engaging, but the course is just ok. Do not consider it an easy A. Although the content isn't that challenging, it does require study effort and you have to attend lecture as there are iclicker questions. Section is a bore as it's mostly stuff to take home. Just avg for a GE, but prob ok if u like science.

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GEOG3 . 3 Years Ago

Easy course material, iClicker questions for attendance, weekly section assignments, and an extra credit opportunity at the end of quarter. He gives a detailed study guide. If you know everything on that study guide, you're good. Don't need to do readings either. Anything he wants you to know will be in slides.

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GEOG3 . 3 Years Ago

He uses iClicker, so get ready to pay attention. Lectures were short so it wasn't too bad. He has such dry humor, and although lectures can sometimes be a little all over the place he's really funny and always posts slides to review on your own time. Sections were fine, no homework besides leftover section work. Tests were alright, just study!

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GEOG3 . 3 Years Ago

This was the best class I've taken this quarter. Work load was perfect and the material was easily understood. Grade consisted of iclicker, section worksheets, two midterms, and a final. There was an extra credit assignment at the end of the quarter that helped boost my grade. Great professor, he was super chill. 100% would take again.

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