Intermediate topics in Computer Science using the Python programming language. Topics include object oriented programming, runtime analysis, data structures, and software testing methodologies.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeIt is impossible to know what going to be on the test, so you have to search everything he taught you outside. And in that process, you will learn a lot of new things and be better. (prof's intent) no study guide. Labs is hard, but its fun. Use paper to take note. He did big curve (really good). Be prepared to run a function on paper.
do you people expect him to just tell you how to do the labs in lecture? is that your definition of a “good lecturer”? if you actually pay attention and understand what he's trying to teach, and then make a genuine effort to apply the concepts and do the labs yourself, you'll learn a ton. unbelievable how people do not even try to use their brains
RUN. This class is like taking 3 classes at once. What we learn in lecture (1) has nothing to do with the labs (2) and nothing to do with the exams (3). Exams show that he does not know how to test computer science knowledge. Most people GPTd this class. Exam avgs are around ~45%, and he does not even moderately believe that is his fault.
BURK! Man I miss this guy. Crappy lecturer; great for non-intro classes. Lectures not mandatory, interesting and advanced weekly projects, no exams. You WILL get stuck & have to wait in a long line of people looking for help, but it's worth it — I got 3x better at coding!! RN I'm in CS32 Nabeel (textbook word hunt only) bored out of my skull.
I had him for both CS 16 and CS 24. CS 16 had midterm and final and I believe they were both poorly written and were difficult. On the other hand CS 24 had no tests and the grade is just nine lab assignments. The labs are difficult but I highly appreciate how there are no tests. He is very passionate about material but the assignments are hard.
Burk is very passionate and caring. It was his first time teaching the course, and while the structure was not the best, he made a lot of compromises to help out. A lot of people are mad cuz they're bad. Only group projects, no tests. Start early, and ask him questions. Spent >20 hours a week for the first project but I learned a lot.