
Rate My Professors (113)

4 . 9 Years Ago

He's very condescending and arrogant. Calls people out in class if they're talking or on their phone. His lectures were pretty much impossible to take notes on. You have to go to class because he'll sometimes give you EC final exam questions. The material actually made you think. The final took the entire three hours.

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PHIL4 . 9 Years Ago

I was expecting this to be easy - NOT AT ALL. Lectures were hard to follow, difficult to take notes on. If you're on the fence about philosophy, I would NOT recommend this class whatsoever.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

Zimmerman was incredibly entertaining and enthusiastic teacher. Although I think ethics is pretty boring, he made jokes and kept everyone super engaged. Would definitely recommend taking a class with him. Maybe its just cause he's funny and obviously really educated but I thought he was superrrr hot, definitely works out too.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

Aaron Zimmerman was an excellent lecturer. the lectures were probably not super important for the assignments due, but just showing up was beneficial. Not an easy intro class, it actually forces you to use your brain (imagine that), so I wouldn't recommend it for an easy A. If you want to actually learn something, Zimmermans your guy.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

His lectures are clear and interesting; encourages class participation. His notes are online and summarize the readings quite well. He is quite humorous and makes class enjoyable. He assigns 2 papers and 1 final. The final is quite long, but he gives you the questions beforehand. He is always willing to help, either with essays or concepts.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

Attended everything, enjoyed the class and prof. Went to another TA's section end of quarter and learned a ton, compared to mine who used felicific calculus to lazily explain everything, thanks for the C.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

The way he lectures is very hard to keep up with. His final is way too long. This class is way too hard for an intro class. I highly regret taking him and I will avoid taking another class with him.

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PHIL4 . 10 Years Ago

He's a great guy and teacher. You don't need to do to class since everything is in the handouts online. 2 short essays and final, no midterm. He gives you the questions to the final before and its all pretty straight forward.

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PHIL100B . 11 Years Ago

This guy is great. I wish I had him for Ethics instead of Epistemology. That class is rough no matter how interesting the professor is. Zimmerman made it so much better though! The material is very technical but he made it interesting. It was not an easy class, but he gave us the questions for the final before hand which helped. Great prof!

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PHIL134 . 11 Years Ago

Easily one of the best professors I've had at UCSB. Every lecture was interesting/fun. He has a great sense of humor and incorporates it into the class. The material can be complicated but he is very helpful in office hours. 2 papers and a final. The final is very long, but you do get the questions beforehand.

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PHIL4 . 11 Years Ago

great class! really interesting! NOT super easy though, don't expect to get an A without some work. However he posts handouts that explain the readings in a concise, simple way. I never even opened the textbook and I was fine. the final was hard but he basically gave you the test in the review guide, if you memorize it you are fine

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PHIL134 . 12 Years Ago

I've had Zimmerman for multiple classes. Best professor I've had at UCSB easily, the 4.2 rating is way too low. He keeps the class interesting and makes it easy to get involved. Finals are long but you get the questions beforehand.

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PHIL4 . 12 Years Ago

I ended up loving this class. But beware, it is FAR from an easy A. The essays are deceivingly tricky and screw most people over (30% of your grade each). Talk to your TA before you turn it in. Zimmerman was awesome: loud, engaging, funny, and cool. He always got the class to participate and allowed every voice to be heard.

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PHIL154 . 13 Years Ago

Awesome professor, very loud and engaging in class. Answers questions while keeping on track. Optional section. Easy to pay attention and interesting material. Final is difficult but fair. Best phil professor at UCSB hands down.

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PHIL176 . 14 Years Ago

Razor sharp, witty, humorous, and very interactive. Like magic, tedious and dense information became intelligible with his guidance. Show up to class, show him the respect and attention a professor deserves and you wont regret it. You will find knowledge and entertainment in his classroom.

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

This class was a giant game of "would you rather", that being said, he was interesting and fun.

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

I loved this class! It wasn't really necessary to go to all the lectures although they were entertaining to sit through. He gives you outlines of basically everything you need to know from the readings so you don't have to do much reading. The only downside was the final which was excessively long

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

Hilarious professor, keeps you entertained every class. Lost of class interaction, he only lets class progress if people volunteer. Definitely recommended

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

Yes his classes are very interesting but I would not recommend it based on the final. It just made me give up I mean what kind of professor makes you write 10 short responses,4 mid length essays and 2 long essays ...WAY TOO MUCH!

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

Great lecturer and professor, approachable outside of class, humorous, and good at breaking down tough philosophical concepts so that most students can access them.

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PHIL4 . 14 Years Ago

I love this man! The class was super interesting and he is so funny. I was never bored listening to his anecdotes and he kept you involved. Even if you have no initial interest in philosophy, take the class! He is one good looking intellectual!

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PHIL4 . 15 Years Ago

So funny, he kept me entertained all class. His analogies were just ridiculous enough to drive the point home for most philosophical theories. I would highly recommend taking a class with him, any class. He's awesome.

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PHIL4 . 15 Years Ago

professor has a great sense of humor and the study materials he provides are the EXACT questions on the test. look them over, and you'll be fine. the papers are fairly easy, but managed to bring my grade down.

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PHIL4 . 15 Years Ago

He was a great teacher, very funny lectures. sometimes hard to follow his argument and often shoots down remarks from the crowd in a funny way. class wasn't that hard... worth taking as a freshmen for four units, 1 midterm and he gives u a comprehensive study guide and 2 small papers, and then a final with another goood study guide

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