
Rate My Professors (90)


She expects you to memorize every interpretation on the readings as if it's gospel. No room to think critically, no room to think period. Want an A? You'll need to jot down every word that comes out of her mouth until your hand aches, and then regurgitate them verbatim on her essay tests. Will not respond to email--says so in class.

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BLST111 . 3 Years Ago

Here is how I ended with a 98: watch every lecture + write down EVERY WORD she says about the readings. EVERYTHING. Use these for quiz ans!!!Keep track of any hints/questions, and find answers to them. I skimmed the readings; only read the first + last sentences of every paragraph + intros/conclusions. Only fully read imp parts. Be a v good writer.

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BLST1 . 3 Years Ago

Loved talking to Professor Banks during Office Hours but wow, this class was rough. Need to be SUPER specific on quizzes and tests. Great information, but this was definitely the toughest class I've ever taken. Do Not take as a Freshman your first quarter. Might just want to skip period.

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BLST1 . 3 Years Ago

Professor Banks is very passionate, allowing for engaging lectures. However, her grading is very strict: if you don't say exactly what she's looking for then you're wrong. You could be missing one word and get a 20% lower grade. Her feedback on quizzes were not helpful at all and actually seemed quite mean. Interesting content but very overwhelming

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BLST1 . 3 Years Ago

Trust me, do NOT take this class. I have an F in this class, but do not let that fool you! In fact, I have one of the top 10% of grades in the entire class. Yup. She literally gives out 20%s to kids on these exams. She does not follow her syllabus at all, and oh yeah, did I mention the 100 pages of reading per week? Please don't do it to yourself.

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BLACK1 . 3 Years Ago

She's clearly passionate and kind as a professor. Great lectures. However, grading requirements are so unclear and it feels impossible to answer correctly. I wanted to give her a higher grade but can't I in good faith because of how confusing the expectations are for the class.

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BLKST1 . 3 Years Ago

I took her class first semester of my Freshman year, received a D+. Retook the class Spring quarter with another professor and received an A. Midterms and Final are subjective.I went to office hours to discuss midterm and the feedback was that this class wasnt a popularity contest and if I thought I was the first person shes made cry I was wrong

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BLST169BR . 4 Years Ago

Professor Banks is a stellar educator and individual. Dr. Banks really cares about her students and this quarter she made the transition to online easy. Her classes are eye opening and I encourage all to take a class with her! But do not slack on reading every week, always go to office hours, and ask if you need help as this class has alot of info.

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BLST169BR . 4 Years Ago

If you are not passionate about Black Studies and the topics discussed in this class, you will not do well. You always have to give this course your all when you work on it. Extremely difficult but also informational and rewarding. Must have good writing skills and remember facts easily. Quite time-consuming so be prepared to work for your grade.

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BLST169BR . 4 Years Ago

Grades like normal during a pandemic. Heavy reading along with many quizzes. Spare yourselves the burden.

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BLST169BR . 4 Years Ago

Worst professor ever. Too many readings(one book each week). Tough grade. She does not really know what she is talking about and answer your question unclearly.

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BLST169CR . 4 Years Ago

Basically, Professor Banks is a very very very difficult professor. She has a specific vision for what she wants and if you don't live up to the expectation, yeah you're done for. The class I took has not been offered since Winter 2018 which says something. She is often rude and offensive when it comes to criticism. 0/10 would take again for sure.

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I think the class is a bit too much for an intro class, super interesting but a bit distracting when you have a ton of other classes. She's a great professor and person once you get to meet her. One of the hardest classes at UCSB I've taken, no lie.

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BLST106 . 5 Years Ago

I've taken 2 of her classes and FAILED the first time. She makes expectations known and yes, she's intimidating and has a very high bar, but when visiting office hours you'll quickly see she wants those who work for their grade to succeed. Understand that her exams follow a formula and thought process & you'll be happy with your grade. I got a B+

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BLACK1 . 5 Years Ago

Banks is rude and arrogant, constantly making statements about her own intelligence and the righteousness of her personal journey. The course is thereby structured as the cult of Ingrid Banks and you better be on her page if you expect to get by. This means agreeing with everything that comes out of her mouth and everything you read. Dont take.

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BLST106 . 5 Years Ago

Banks is a great lecturer, I will say that. However, she is the worst grader and gives ZERO feedback on written assignments. Even if you read and analyze to your best ability, your answer is WRONG if it isn't what she would have said word for word. She isn't helpful & not understanding as a professor at all. Wouldn't take if you don't need it.

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BLST133 . 5 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE. If you love yourself, DO NOT TAKE. Banks is extremely difficult, super picky with discussion answers, shames students if one doesn't know the right answer, unapproachable, doesnt reply to emails, tells us often how she doesnt have time for office hours & is literally the worst professor to take. please save yourself the stress & tears.

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BLST169 . 5 Years Ago

Do NOT take this class if you can help it. She is never thorough in grading and leaves no constructive comments. 3 midterms and one paper. She gave so many people Ds and Fs on midterms. Going to her office hours is no help because she just says what she does in class. Does not care about opinion. Really awful class.

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BLST169 . 5 Years Ago

Terrible class, not approachable, bad feedback, heed the warning, do not take, interesting readings though, first day of class 100 people current class standing at 25 people,

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BLST1 . 5 Years Ago

The hardest class I have ever taken, but also one of my favorite classes at UCSB. Professor Banks pushed me, but I am forever grateful. 10/10 recommend!

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BLKST106 . 5 Years Ago

Dont expect any sort of feedback on papers unless you consider NO constructive criticism. She is a scholar not a teacher . Her response to everything is if you dont understand then you need to read the book again. Gee thanks Banks Im glad I came to office hours for such wonderful help. NOT!!!! If you dont need it for your major dont take.

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DO NOT TAKE. Passionate individual about the topics but a horrible teacher and instructor, her criticism is anything but constructive and most of the people who take this class fail, her teaching reflects poorly on the department and university and I had already taken another Bl St course before taking this class so it's not just bl st in general.

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BLST1 . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Banks is incredibly passionate about Black Studies. However, in order to pass you need to put in an immense amount of work. She rewards students who regularly attend office hours and participate in class. During exams be VERY specific and you will be okay. Do not take this course if you are not interested in black studies!

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BLKST1 . 6 Years Ago

Ingrid Banks assigns 6 readings a week (20/30 dense pages each). She gives an exam, midterm, final and a course paper. Majority of people have gotten an F on the exam and course paper. She expects stellar answers in specific form. Any other forms are discouraged and individual thought is rooted out and shot in the street. Don't take. Not rewarding

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