
Rate My Professors (25)

WRIT109ED . 5 Years Ago

She is a kind lady but her voice is so soft so you may have a hard time hearing her words. She won't post any grades on GS until the last day of the quarter. This means YOU DONT KNOW HOW WELL YOU DID FOR EACH PART OF THE GRADE during the quarter!! So you don't know how to improve yourself. That's why I got a lower grade than I expected.

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WRIT1 . 5 Years Ago

Pretty easy class

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WRIT2 . 11 Years Ago

Prof. Miele centers her essay topics around ethics and consumption, which I found very interesting. There are three main essays due along with short write-ups about the readings.

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WRIT2 . 12 Years Ago

Miele is a great professor. Class requires a lot of time and effort, but if you do all of the assignments and actually try you will get a good grade. Three or four bigger papers and a lot of one page write ups. Class requires a decent amount of reading, but everything is definitely manageable. Miele is really helpful and willing to answer any questions. Very sweet lady

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WRITI109E . 12 Years Ago

easy class with little reading. She mainly focuses on the presentations and two big papers but she is extremely helpful and nice. She really likes discussion and makes everyone participate so make sure to speak up.

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WRIT2 . 12 Years Ago

Easy class as long as you show up and write the papers. My roommate had another writing teacher and she had to write sooo many more essays than I did. She was a little unclear at times as to what she wanted in her essays but if you ask she will clarify. Also, she is a pretty flexible grader and allows you to redo essays if necessary.

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WRIT1 . 13 Years Ago

She was so boring, and she's a pretty hard grader. After revising papers, she gave me a pretty low grade, considering that I went to office hours, and followed every instruction she gave me. On top of that, her voice was so soft, you can hardly hear her. I always dreaded going to that class, the two hours went by so slow.

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WRIT1 . 14 Years Ago

Easy class. She is a very helpful teacher and i actually found my self enjoying a writing class. 3 essays all centered around one subject, this was somewhat annoying.

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WRIT2 . 14 Years Ago

Third time I attempted to finish Writing 2 and finally managed. Miele makes writing easy and fun. I completely recommend her. Says you need Hacker book, but I don't think it's necessary to spend the 60$. Based class off Dalai Lama's newest book. Good teacher!

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WRIT2 . 15 Years Ago

Had no interest in taking this GE, and just the thought of 2hr classes sounds boring. Ilene however is very calm, very understanding, very sweet, if something happens to you and you couldn't turn in a paper just e-mail her. MLA and APA style papers, had to write 3, not a big deal. Make sure you interact in class and she will love you. Easy A for me

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WRIT109E . 15 Years Ago

Writ 109ed - Allowed lot of freedom on essay topics, gave written work as well as research and presentation work, and gave plenty of draft-review opportunities. Really wants you to learn how to write properly, as well as to try new things. Wants you to work on what interests you while learning standard content. Overall, fantastic teacher.

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WRIT2 . 16 Years Ago

I'm not sure whether it was just because I took her class during summer session, but this class was a breeze! Sure the small written assignments weren't my favorite, but they were easy points. She was very willing to help, and allowed a lot of freedom in essay topics. Pretty easy grader too.

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WRIT109 . 16 Years Ago

one of my favorite teachers i have had at UCSB. was extremely helpful and understanding, really wants you to do well in the class.

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WRIT109E . 16 Years Ago

I had her for Writ 109ED and it was a pretty easy class. It took up a lot of time, because she asks you to read and respond as well as papers and a group project. But she is helpful and grades pretty easy. Topics were interesting and you got a lot of choice. Im not typically a good writer but im pretty sure I got an A in the class.

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WRIT1 . 17 Years Ago

easy class even though the time was way too long! she was very helpful and gave the option of redoing one of your papers at the end of the quarter if you wanted to improve your grade. the only thing i would recommend is going to her office hours with your profolio to have her improve it and help you with it. She was great!

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WRIT1 . 17 Years Ago

60% of your grade are 3 essays you write which she grades hard on. She dramatically helped me improve my writing although the 2 hour class duration was GRUELING. Topics for the essay were ridiculously specific and I had extremely little interest in each.

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WRIT1 . 17 Years Ago

this class was easy. i should have gotten an A but then again i didnt put in much effort compared to my other classes. i got a B+ and i whipped out assignments and papers on the fly. she is a nice teacher and the class reminded me of high school. just do your work and remember the days that portfolios are due. you should do fine.

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WRITING1 . 18 Years Ago

She's a good teacher, but I had two hours of her in the morning. It's not a difficult class, just do the work and you'll get an A. She's really strait forward and she's nice.

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WRIT1 . 18 Years Ago

i thought she was very nice and understanding... she also has a very laid back teaching style... i learned a lot in her class and it was easy too.

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WRITING1 . 19 Years Ago

Very easy and cool teacher, class was fun and the essays were easy. if you just wanna get through the class take her.

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WRITING1 . 19 Years Ago

Class was pretty easy. She is willing to help when approached, and as long as you do the work and get the help you need you should be alright.

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WRITING1 . 19 Years Ago

this professor is so hard, she gave some my hws and asked u to read so much that u can't even finished..........

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WRIT1 . 19 Years Ago

Very easy class, almost not challenging enough. Very nice Professor. Covers interesting topics.

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WRIT1 . 20 Years Ago

This class was easy to get an A if you put in a little time!

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