
Rate My Professors (15)

POLS104 . 13 Years Ago

Very difficult class, though Weatherford did make otherwise repugnant material somewhat interesting at times. Exams are extremely difficult, and require more critical thinking than knowledge of course content. Didn't go to his office hours, but heard he was helpful and amiable to those who did.

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POLS104 . 13 Years Ago

Weatherford is a great guy to listen to, but his lectures do not prepare you for the tests or papers. Read the textbooks and you will do fine. Midterm, Research Paper, 6 homework assignment, and a final. Other professors in the department are known to be more manageable and comprehensible.

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PS104 . 13 Years Ago

Stats class disguised as a PS research class. NO ONE knew what was going on, ever. Even the TAs. Weatherford has the most soothing voice that puts you to sleep. I went to every lecture and office hours and still didn't know anything after the class was over. Prof isn't horrible, just the class. Which is why it's now a lower division class...PS 15.

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PS104 . 15 Years Ago

Hard class, but requires a lot of outside thought into the processes that go into research methods in political science. If it wasn't for my TA Mario, I would've been totally lost in this class, to be honest. I highly recommend him as TA. As for Weatherford, well, he is very helpful in OH but his lectures tend to use very verbose and pretty boring.

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PS104 . 17 Years Ago

The class wasn't enjoyable but this was due more to the class subject material than the professor. Lectures can get boring. Assignments are required. Exams were hard. You do learn a lot about research methods, but it's not a subject you would WANT to learn about...the class was less painful than I expected it to be.

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POLS104 . 18 Years Ago

Prof. Weatherford's class was stimulating, but did require outside thought, effort, and ambition, perhaps contributing to some students unhappiness with him. He has high expectations of his students, but is more than willing to support them in their efforts. Students who are looking for an easy class, steer clear, Prof. Weatherford deserves better.

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POLS104 . 18 Years Ago

Class was excruciatingly difficult: lots of assignments, very little clarity in what is expected of the student, some of the hardest examinations I've ever seen at UCSB and the dryest subject material in the Poli Sci department. My advice: study statistics hard even though he'll tell you they aren't important because they do show up on the final.

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POLS104 . 18 Years Ago

There was no clarification, extremely boring. I actually dreaded the class every time i came and was stressed every time i left. Final, midterm and term paper were excruciatingly hard. No one knew where to start studying for the final and the end result was the most horrible final i'd ever taken in my whole college career! 3 hours for 12 questions!

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104 . 19 Years Ago

I agre with everything except that comment about a good sense of humor...not only was this class extremely boring (and I have a high tolerance for that) prof makes wierd noises to attempt to to liven up stale lectures and material. One postiive point he did break up the readings into class presentations of statistical methods/comncepts. But term paper and midterms were grueling, way too much statiscal jargon and coefficient mumbo jumbo...

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POLS104 . 19 Years Ago

This is a research methods class, so I expected it to be tough. But the prof. introduced the methods in a pretty intuitive way, and in the end I realized I was thinking about political issues more analytically myself! Willing to spend lots of time helping in office hours.

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POLS104A . 19 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE 104A WITH HIM!!! He was so hard to follow...but if you take his 150 class, you will be an A- in there, although it was gruesomely boring most of the time. Thanks for TA Mike making up for those draining and boring lectures

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POLS104A . 19 Years Ago

His lectures are generally incomprehensible, relying too often on a painfully slow (and thus confusing) construction of underlying concepts without direct applicability. The texts help and the class is apparently curved to a fairly significant extent. Students would do well to seek a different prof.

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POL147 . 19 Years Ago

There is no class structure. The midterm was freakin hard, class avg. in the 60%. Unfair because you are basically guessing what is on the midterm, and then you find out that the midterm has nothing to do with the reading.

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PS104A . 19 Years Ago

If you take 104, take it with another professor, like Adams. This guy's tests are ridiculous and unfair, especially considering that the class average on his midterm was below 70%. It's very hard to know what he's gonna put on the tests, there's unnecessarily long reading, and he talks too quietly!

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PS153 . 20 Years Ago

the most articulate and intelligent prof i've ever had. heavy reading, 10pg co-author book review, fairly difficult tests (heavily reading-based). nice guy, good sense of humor.

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