
Rate My Professors (15)

COMM115 . 9 Years Ago

I like Pro. Lieberman very much. I am an international student and she always helps me a lot. There is no textbook and not so many reading materals. The lectures are easy to understand. Multiple choices for mid and final. Only one paper

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1550 . 11 Years Ago

She is very sweet and is very willing to help students out. She does not require a textbook and posts all the required readings online, as well as lecture notes. I went to class about 5-7 times and ended up with a B+. Make sure you read everything she posts. Tests are not too tricky.

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COMM155 . 15 Years Ago

I absolutely love her! She is by far my favorite prof. at UCSB! She is easy to talk to and makes the information easy to understand! Her lectures are far from dry or bland! I try to take as many comm classes from her as I can!

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COMM133 . 16 Years Ago

Pretty standard, if soul crushing, formal academic jargon heavy nonsense.

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COMM155 . 17 Years Ago

REALLY good teacher, very fair and very interesting. Really knows whats shes talking about and trys to make learning fun. Tests arent bad as long as you go to class and read the minimal you'll do fine. shes overly generous with her grading too.

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COMM120 . 17 Years Ago

Lots of reading, straightforward lecturing style and explains things very well. Material of the class is very practical, but can also be very dry at times, but its not her fault. She's very extremely knowledgeable about the subject and has lots of educational and work experience. Interesting person to talk to.

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133115120 . 18 Years Ago

Lieberman is my favorite, but perhaps it's just because my study style matches her teaching/test style. tests are always multiple choice, so my friends who don't m.c. well tend to get B's in her classes. her test ques do come from lec and reading. her busywork is managable. she seems very knowledgable about her work and yes-she is extremely nice!

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COMM110 . 18 Years Ago

She is very nice and helpful.

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COMM115 . 18 Years Ago

she is nice, and i liked her Health Comm class...but this class was SOOOOOOOOO HARD. The tests came out of nowhere and there is far too much Reading material. I am an A student and i got a C-. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS

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PERSUASION . 18 Years Ago

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INFLUENCE . 18 Years Ago

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COMM120115194 . 18 Years Ago

Debra is the best teacher at UCSB. Classes are very easy and straightforward midterm and finals certainly help. she is always willing to help any student, and she has alot of outside research going so there is always something for her to talk about that is relevant to her classes. take whatever classes you can of hers

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HEALTHCOMM . 18 Years Ago

She is very sweet. She takes the time to talk to you and really include u in the class. I went half the time and got a B+ she was that easy!

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COMM120 . 19 Years Ago

Prof liberman is such a sweetheart, she's very clear and to the point. she has very useful information and is well versed in her subject. comm 120 is super easy but very helpful. she's so cute you just want to hug her!

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161114 . 20 Years Ago

Great teacher. Very kind and helpful. I have taken 3 classes with her, and it's been great. The projects we do are interesting and you learn a lot. I would DEFINITELY recommend this class to anyone who doesn't want to suffer through their classes!

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