Rate My Professors (51)

WRIT2 . Baillargeon K 14 Years Ago

Great professor. Very helpful, especially with the paper. Readings are interesting and short. Helps you become a better writer.

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WRIT2 . Baillargeon K 15 Years Ago

She is extremely helpful! If she isn't on campus, she has okay'd emailing to her your paper. She has pretty interesting readings and class participation is a must. Class is actually helpful and if you try, you can pull of a good grade! Take her if you can!

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WRIT2LK . Baillargeon K 15 Years Ago

Extremely helpful teacher. Class particiapation is mandatory and counts for a significant portion of your grade. As long as you are willing to put some thought and effort into your papers, you should be able to get an A.

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 17 Years Ago

Only A+ I've ever gotten, because the class is awesome and easy. Fulfills writing requirement! Make sure not to fail the papers. They are formulaic though, so there should be no reason to fail. The TA tells you what to do, you just need to do it.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

this class was extremely easy and well worth takin. i never used the book. the exams are completely multiple choice. katie is an awesome professor in lecture and in office hours. if youre unsure about anything she will sit with you until you understand. the TA's are also incredible. this class is easy, and definitely well worth taking.

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

This class is really easy! You don't have to read the book, just go to lecture. The midterm & final is all multiple choice. She also gives extra credit points which is a bonus. The class never goes the whole time, so she let's u out early. TAKE HER! I got an A in this course and barely studied at all for this class. i just studied the night before.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Easiest class I've ever taken. She gives you everything you need to know in lecture, there is no need to read at all. She's funny, and the class never goes the full hour and 15 minutes. It was an awesome GE-filler and GPA-padder class.

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MUSI15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Great class. Got an A-. Straightforward and easy to understand. I had little music background which may have made it easier. TA's help explain things if you have questions. Lectures were fun. She is spunky and you get to have a few live performances in lecture. DEFINITELY TAKE THIS CLASS! Midterm and final are cake if you pay attention.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Very clear lectures and tests are straighforward.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

This class is way easy! All you have to do is show up for section and attending lecture isn't even that bad. The tests can be kinda random but if you just read over your notes before 'em, you should be fine. And, hell, the music wasn't even that bad. Mostly.

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Awesome professor and easy A if you do the work. Know the pieces of music really well for the test. Have your TA's read your paper before you turn in it. EASY A!!!

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Really awesome professor! Humorous, keeps the class entertaining and makes you look forward to her lectures! Definitely take this class!

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

really awesome person. makes the material interesting by giving interesting background info/history on the topics. cool class. take it.! it's an enjoyable, easy class.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

AWESOME easy class as long as you pay attention, professor is funny and she's young so she understands how you feel. I highly recommend.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

She was super corny with her jokes, but they were indeed entertaining. The class was an easy A, just go to lecture part of the time and you'll for sure do good. :)

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MUSI15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Katie Bizzle, if you can hear us, we love you. We dare you to say at some point in tomorrows lecture, "fo shizzle". We will be sooo happs. Loves!

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

I looooooove Katie B.!! Favorite professor ever. She makes lame jokes all class long but after a while you can't live without them. Count how many times she says the word "effectively" in every class.

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

great class

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Easy class. Just go to lecture. No reading involved. Makes class as fun as possible. Really easygoing. my first A+ in college.

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Katie's definitely cute... I mean cool... I meant to say cool. She made things easy on us. I got my first and probably only A+ in her class and I honestly don't care about music as a subject... at all. Did I mention she's cute? Just take the class, you'll love her.

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MUSIC15 . Baillargeon K 18 Years Ago

Katie was an awesome Prof. She was funny, interesting and realized when stuff got boring. She really wants to make sure that everyone does well in the course. Since she's young, she knows the style of teaching that appeals most to college students, and she won't bore you out of your mind. Easy, easy, course if you just go to class!

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 19 Years Ago

awesome class all around

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MUS15 . Baillargeon K 19 Years Ago

Such an easy class. If you needed help with anything, she would do it in a second. Very energetic and funny.

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