
Rate My Professors (39)

CHEM109BCH . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

My favorite chemistry professor ever! Genuinely cares about his students and the field of chemistry (ask him about Green Chemistry!). His tests were unarguably difficult but so satisfying when I could do it because he taught us so well. Don't stress about your grade. He's a fantastic, engaging person, so show up to every lecture.

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CHEM109BH . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Bruce is my favorite professor in this department. I like his sense of humor and his passion towards his work and teaching. He sincerely wants his students to excel in organic chemistry. If you have the chance, just get into his class and you won't regret!

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CHEM109BANDC . 2 Years Ago

My favorite professor of all time. Someone said it felt like a privilege to be taught by him and I 100% agree. When I took this class I didn't care about my grade I just wanted to earn his respect by showing I learned the material. It felt more like a coaching experience than a professor, in the best way possible. Go to the special lectures!!

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CHEM109BANDC . 2 Years Ago

great professor who is extremely knowledgeable!! felt like a privilege to learn ochem from this guy honestly. likes to talk to students and if he knows you/sees you going to reviews and trying to learn the material you will end up doing better in his class. very few exams so they can be stressful but you'll probably end up fine honestly.

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CHEM109BH . 2 Years Ago

Dr. Lipshutz is probably the smartest professor I have ever had. His lectures can be confusing but he is great at explaining if you ask questions. He is more than happy to hold review sessions before the midterm/final which is really nice. Once you understand his teaching style his class really isn't that bad. Really just focus on the flashcards.

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CHEM109BH . 2 Years Ago

Bros the goat. Sometimes his lectures are difficult to understand but if you talk to him or set up a meeting with TAs you can get everything explained to you. Definitely the best professor I've had at UCSB.

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CHEM109BH . 3 Years Ago

After doing badly on the first midterm, I thought about dropping the class and asked Dr. Lipshutz for advice if I should. He told me to just focus on getting caught up and listed several things I should do to improve and get caught up. He really cares about his students and will go out of his way to make sure you learn. Office hours helps a ton!

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CHEM109BH . 6 Years Ago

Definitely one of my favorite professors ever. He cares a lot, and he inspired me to work to do well in his class. The material is difficult, but I thought he made it digestible through his inspiring classes. He hosted extra study sessions, which was awesome, and he is always available for extra help. Take advantage of having him and learn a lot.

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CHEM109BH . 6 Years Ago

Great professor who knows his stuff and cares about his students. Really tough though..

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CHEM109BH . 6 Years Ago

He's a great lecturer, but doesn't follow the book so don't skip class. Take good notes, make flashcards, and do his practice exams! He also posts his lecture outline notes online (with beautiful handwriting) so take a look at those too. He hosts multiple review sessions and really wants you to understand the material!

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CHEM109BCH . 7 Years Ago

BEST professor I've had. He's genuine, caring, & brilliant in his field. He wants you to succeed. He isn't easy, but gives you EVERY resource to do so. For Honors he has extra review sessions and classes, extended office hours, old practice tests, help by email etc. He's a great lecturer, I never used the book. Flashcards are life + vitamin probs.

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CHEM109BH . 7 Years Ago

Although he is a bit intense at times, Prof. Lipshutz is a very attentive instructor: he was willing to go out of his way to schedule review sessions for our class and even planned supplementary sessions for people who did badly on the midterms. His lectures are fast and somewhat confusing, and he doesn't follow the textbook, so go to class!

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CHEM109BC . 7 Years Ago

Such a genuinely kind professor. He really cares about his students and wants them to UNDERSTAND organic chemistry concepts instead of memorize. He hosts multiple review sessions on weekends before midterms and will do whatever he can to help you grasp the material. Plus, he's absolutely hilarious!!!

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06494 . 9 Years Ago

By far the best professor I've had thus far. He makes you WANT to learn even though succeeding is up to you. He made me realize grades do not matter until you truly understand chemistry. Incredibly grateful for him.

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CHEM109B . 12 Years Ago

Lipshutz is amazing. He was by far the best ochem professor. In order to do well in his class you have to work out the mechs by hand over and over on paper. Screw flashcards they're a waste of time and they don't let you practice drawing out what happens. His tests are seriously not hard. Not joking doing ALL his old exams was helpful. Got an A.

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CHEM109B . 13 Years Ago

Favorite Ochem teacher of all. Funny as hell (which is crucial in an 8am class), straight forward exams. Mainly just memorize reagents and you'll do great. Not much use of the book. I would take him again for any chemistry classes available.

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CHEM109B . 13 Years Ago

What a boss! He is a Hard teacher, he wants you to understand whereas other Ochem teacher wants you to memorize(which is what makes him hard). You will NEED flash cards to do well on the exams, as predict the product is worth like 40% of the test grade. But the other 60% comes from you understanding reaction mechanisms/reactions as the rest 60% are

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CHEM109 . 13 Years Ago

he's a very good teacher. keeps you interested during the whole entire lecture. i recommend going to his office hours which are usually after his lecture

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CHEM109C . 13 Years Ago

Its a hard class and definitely takes a lot of work to do well. He can be pretty hard to get a hold of and apathetic outside class and office hours. He's a decent teacher but you're basically just memorizing reagents for most of the test. You wont do well if you don't go to class or CLAS and cramming won't help you very much with so much material

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CHEM109B . 14 Years Ago

Best professor I've had. Engaging lectures with humor, energy and forcing student interaction. Exams are by no means easy and he doesn't follow book so much so do his vitamin problems and make flashcards and you WILL do well on tests. Very approachable and willing to help outside of class. Made me declare Chem. I hope to have him later down the roa

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CHEM109B . 14 Years Ago

Bruce is one of the best Ochem teachers I have ever had. He doesn't teach out of the book, so attending lecture is important but he definetly makes it worth your time. Tests can be rough, but ochem is no walk in the park. He is a funny, energetic guy that makes the material interesting and engaging. I highly reccomend him.

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OCHEM109B . 14 Years Ago

Horrible. Very tricky exams. Expect to fail tests every time and hope that he takes pity which he often does not.

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CHEM129 . 16 Years Ago


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CHEM109BANDC . 18 Years Ago

HARD professor !!! dont take him! His lectures are very unclear and his tests are super tricky. I did not understand anything

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