
Rate My Professors (122)

4A . 3 Years Ago

Bigelow is the best professor for Math4A!! Take his Math4A!!! tests and homework are very easy!! Easy A!!

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MATH145 . 3 Years Ago

Not the best lecturer, but amazing in office hours, one on one. Interesting character who is very funny, but isnt too odd. Very standard and reasonable grading policies - weekly homework thats about 3-5 problems, a midterm and a final. He is a nice guy whos always willing to help and can explain things clear as day when you ask.

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MATH108A . 3 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class even though I hate lin algebra. The only complaint I had was the grading scheme: hw, quizzes, mt1, mt2, final were worth 20% each. I understand he did this to help us out, but for me, I scored high on the exams and low on the hw and quizzes, so I ended with a B. He's very helpful though and never condescending.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

It was his first time teaching a big class so he was not very accustomed to it. He made the lectures hilarious. Iclicker questions not based on accuracy. But I felt like I was memorizing the content rather than actually learning in the class. Struggled on the midterms but the final was made extremely easy.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Bigelow is pretty hard to understand verbally, so pay attention to the slides since they have the most content. The midterm and final were both extremely easy, and he obviously wants students to receive an A. If you do the homework and memorize the concepts, you'll get an A.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Not a very good lecturer. It's boring, dry, and uninspiring. Homework and tests are straightforward. Overall an easy class if you can bear through his monotonous lectures and outdated memes (posts it online which I'll throw him a bone for this) Though a boring person to many, I cannot help but feel some sort of whymsical, caring spirit within him.

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4A . 4 Years Ago

Clear lectures and homework that is helpful. Practice midterms and final were very accurate to the real thing. Makes random jokes in class too and is really nice.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Bigelow is a nice guy. During lectures, his explanations sometimes lost students because they were either boring or confusing, but his slides were pretty organized and he posted them on Gauchospace. There is a lot of iClicker, minimal homework, and the tests just get easier. His class is an easy A, but it might not prepare you well for future math

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

bigelow is the perfect noodle of a professor. take his class if you can!!!! he explains concepts clearly and homework/exams are easy

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4A . 4 Years Ago

Good professor. Prepared lecture slides and everything on the test is from his class lecture. I bought the textbook but ended up never using it. The midterms were a little sketch but the final was very easy (I got 100% and I bet the class avg was very high).

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4A . 4 Years Ago

He was great for Math 4A. He was funny and kept the 800 kids in my class pretty engaged with the examples on his slides. The homework is easy and the tests are very similar to the practice exams posted.

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4A . 4 Years Ago

He was a fine professor for 4A, but his lectures could definitely use some work. They tended to be pretty scattered and vague. Office hours were helpful, homework was totally reasonable, and the tests were very similar to the practice tests.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

his presentations are organized and clear but he could have explained the concepts better. there's not much homework and his exams are pretty easy.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Pf. Bigelow is amazing! This is my first quarter in UCSB and I did not get used to the speed of the over all system and the lecture speed at first. So I did poorly in my first midterm. However, you can use your final to cover everything! The grading system is wonderful, and the professor is super accessible and caring in office hours! Great class!

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Pretty cool guy id have a beer with him

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Honestly really disappointed with the class and my first experience with a "UC" class; it was made way to easy. It literally felt like a joke. I wouldn't recommend this professor unless your looking for an easy A and don't want to learn. He goes over basic concepts in class and is good at teaching them, but he won't prepare you for future classes.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Nice person, but not that good at teaching. Lectures just go over the most basic concepts with not much further explanation, and I learnt more from textbook than his lecture. Tests are super easy though. If you just want an easy A then take him, but if you really want to learn something prepare to study on your own or go for another professor.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

I can tell he is a nice and kind guy, and I get a good grade pretty effortlessly. But I have to say his course may not be that easy for average students to follow. If he had let TAs teach complementary applications and geometric relationships in the sections, the feedback would be significantly better. Exams are not hard, and grading is TOO kind.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

Soft spoken so t's hard to understand him in lectures, but iClicker was 10% of our grade so it's essential to attend. Not sure if he does this for every class but he said if we did better on the final than the midterms he would base our grade on the final, which brought my grade from a C to an A+. Tests were pretty similar to his "old exams"

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4A . 4 Years Ago

Best Math professor to take. Lectures arent too clear, but his slides are very straightforward and indicative of test material. iClicker is worth a lot and he uses some for test questions. Very straightforward tests, so make sure to review lecture, CLAS, and the book. Could've been a hard class but he made it great!!!

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

He's cool, made math 4a very straightforward.

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MATH4A . 4 Years Ago

He talks relatively slow and gives good explanations. The exams are very easy. He uses clicker so attendance is mandatory. Overall, He is a great professor!!!

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4A . 4 Years Ago

go over lectures, do homework, practice tests u will pass this dude rly doesnt give a dam bout the class lol which mean u can get by with the bare minimum

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4A . 4 Years Ago

go over lectures, do homework, practice tests u will pass this dude rly doesnt give a dam bout the class lol which mean u can get by with the bare minimum

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