
Rate My Professors (31)

EEMB107 . 19 Years Ago

Awesome prof and class very interesting. He makes things clear even if the subject is difficult. Not what I would call an easy class but it was always interesting. It is the only class I was honestly sad to see end.

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Had his classes in the 80's; all were exceptionally great. Simply put: Sam is the best teacher I ever encountered in academia.

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EEMB108 . 19 Years Ago

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EEMB108 . 19 Years Ago

This was the best course I've taken here! Sweet is such an awesome teacher, the material isn't difficult, there's just a lot of it. But since he has planned his lectures well, it all makes sense, the handouts and the pictures he draws are SUPER useful! Take his classes!

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HERPEVOLU . 19 Years Ago

1 of top 2 profs here. He writes notes and draws charts in colored chalk!! I cant tell you how helpfull this is. You can tell that he not only knows his stuff, but that he has taken time to carefully plan his lectures+evaluate/refine his teaching style.

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HERPETOLOG . 20 Years Ago

I had Sam for Herpetology (reptile and amphibian biology) and I gotta say he is like the croc hunter mixed with z z top...excellent teacher, cool guy....basically, Sam is the Man

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EVOLUTION . 20 Years Ago

Had Dr. Sweet for 3 upper division courses; best lecturer I had at UCSB. Knows his stuff.

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