
Rate My Professors (143)

SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

What a waste of time! his voice is annoying as well as his inability to stimulate his sutdents attention span for longer than like 3 minutes. If it had not been for him taking attendance in lecture, there would be no point in going to class. Study the entire book... only way to get a good grade.

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

Apparently, the Iraqi war is about China. According to Winant. But, his voice is entertaining-like a suffocating rat

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

He tests on what the book says and the lectures are pointless. If he didn't take attendence, half the lecture hall wouldn't show up. Too many tangents to advance his political adgenda and not enough material that adaquatly supplements the subject.

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

He went on so many tangents in class that he didn't even cover half the material. Unless u get a good TA you won't be able to figure out whats going on. Don't take this class w/ him. Take it with taylor.

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

I dropped this class because his lectures were unbareable. He does not challenge you to think, just merely gives a comedy routine. People think he is a crazy leftist, but in my opinion he failed at even expressing that. Don't take this class. Soc 1 has no value unless you are a soc major.

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

I like Winant. He's a little bit weird, but his lectures are entertaining. He gives good examples and ideas that are seperate from the book. The people who say he's the worst ever are exaggerating, and heated over his political views, which I haven't found overbearing.

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

While some students didn't like him, he is animated and he knows how to entertain a class while teaching the material. I don't even like Sociology and I didn't mind going to his class. He isn't afraid to stand behind his opinions or beliefs either.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Out-the-window to the left, and acts as if he has the one right way of seeing things. Beware!

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Winant is not a good professor by any means. He tries really hard to express his socialist ideas. I am left wing myself, but i have to admit this professor is awful. If you want to have an awesome prof w/left wing ideas, take Poli Sci 7 w/ aaron belkin.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

this is the worst prof ever but the fact that he was a socialist was the only thing that made this class cool !!!! dont let these dumb ppl tell u being a socialist is wrong !!! way to go

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

this guy sucks! terrible teacher who ruined what could have been an interesting class by pushing his far-left political views instead of teaching. lectures had nothing to do with the class and were really biased. damn you winant!

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

He is horribly boring. He lectures but has no point. Lecture is pointless and everything on the tests is out of the book, he is sooooo bad.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

As long as you do ALL of the reading, you should be good to go. The lectures are pretty much pointless but he'll try to help you if u swing by office hours. Very political and cusses in class but I admire that he's got a different teaching style. :)

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Although lecture doesn't follow the course material, he says a lot of interesting stuff. He get's pretty political, and regarless of your beleifs, you have to give him credit for not being afraid to be honest and express himself. Nice guy, good prof.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Worst prof ever!!! He uses his authority to push his political agenda. He punishes you for thinking differently. He cusses in class and is offensive to many political, moral, religious beliefs. He teaches nothing and lecture is pointless.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Oh professor Winant, you tried so hard to recruit more socialists into our world. I honestly liked this man for some odd reason, but I won't lie the class was pretty dumb, but at least easy.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

WOW. This guy thinks socialism and sociology are the same thing. He is offensive and abuses his power as a professor to further his political values.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

His powerpoints aren't helpful at all. Lecture isn't helpful either since his tests are basically questions from the textbook website. Warning to all Republicans, he is extremely liberal and uses his class as a soapbox.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

He is a very smart guy but he dos not explain very well. Easy to get a good grade though. I liek the guy but he does not teach very well.

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SOC1 . 20 Years Ago

Perhaps the worst professor I've had at UCSB. He is entirely uninformative, beyond boring, and somewhat offensive. Whatever you do, try to avoid him.

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SOCIOLOGY . 20 Years Ago

I feel sorry for the old guy. He tries really hard and puts forth a lot of effort, but it's hard to understand him and doesn't really teach anything in lecture.

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SOCIOLOGY . 20 Years Ago

Horrible teacher but easy to get good grade

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