Howard Winant

143 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Participation matters Caring Hilarious So many papers Graded by few things Gives good feedback Inspirational Lots of homework Respected Accessible outside class Group projects Amazing lectures Tests? Not many Test heavy
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SOC131 . 3 Years Ago

Winant is really kind. Some students were rude to him but he handled it well. There's 2 group essays (midterm/final). People complained about the group assignment but it just depends on whether you got a good group or not.

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SOC151 . 4 Years Ago


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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

This class is mostly based on textbook readings because he did not teach he lecture. He would just go on rants about things that were somewhat related to the topics in the textbook. Lectures were mandatory, and there were reading quizzes every Tuesday and Thursday. It was a fairly easy class, but I would recommend taking a different professor.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Not the best professor, but super easy class. You're supposed to sign in with your TA so lecture is "mandatory" but everyone signs in & leaves. The lectures are not helpful at all. Just skim the textbook & the weekly quizzes will be a piece of cake (good grade boost). Midterm & final are easy and the TA's give almost everyone 100s on the 2 essays.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

I feel bad writing this post because he a sweet guy, but you all must know. I was super disappointed in this class bc soc is such an interesting topic and I feel like I gained nothing from the class. easy class tho so if looking for the GE go for it. if u want to learn anything, don't take it. reading and inquisitive is important. lectures r not

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Honestly, I was pretty exited to take Soc, as it always has interested me. But man, did Winant made me despise it. All Prof. Winant did was rant on religion or government every class and the lectures where useless to me. He also makes you write multi-page essays, even though the class doesn't count as a writing requirement. Avoid him if you can!

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

I can tell that he is a good individual, but he tends to drift off during the lecture. I really wished he could understand that he cannot get that personal with such a huge audience. I would like to take him again, only if the environment is a smaller size class.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

If you're looking for an easy GE course, I recommend taking this class. The textbook was super easy to read/understand and the quizzes for each chapter were straightforward. TA's were helpful when it was time to write the essays and they were open to answer any questions.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Makes you sign in manually with TAs beginnning of class. Stated that most lectures have nothing to do with what we will be tested on so a lot of people would check in and then just go home. Only perk of lecture is that he is funny but otherwise boring. Two quizzes a week expected to have read a chapter each quiz. Two papers, and a midterm. Easy A.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Winant is a sweet old man. You'll probably like this dude, but I don't recommend his class. His lectures are more about his political views than the subject of Sociology. He will tell you straight up that none of the lecture stuff will show up on the test but forces you to come anyway. The class and his papers are easy though so good for an easy A

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Prof. Winant is well-respected in his field but I would not recommend taking his classes. His lectures have nothing to do with what's on the test, the only reason you'd need to go to lecture is for attendance. If you read the textbook you'll pass easily. My advice is to do other homework during his lectures, or just read the book.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

takes attendance every lecture but you could always leave, lectures are useless don't expect to learn what you need to know. don't stress too much

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