
Rate My Professors (107)

ANTH176TS . 9 Years Ago

Horrible course. Lecture is worthless. You have a graded section and play that requires out of class work. The tests are difficult and the studying is just rote memorization. Avoid this class and professor like the dead religion he teaches!

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176TS . 9 Years Ago

Abysmally disorganized, and disjointed lectures make the ID-based tests an exercise in detective work. Students must piece together information for a single topic from a multitude of details mentioned in various lectures. And don't get me started on the group project. I'm insulted to be paying so much to be assigned middle-school level projects.

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ANTH3 . 11 Years Ago

Terrible class. Don't take it if you don't have to. It's an excessive amount of work, and he really has no idea what he's talking about.

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ANTH3 . 11 Years Ago

He is really enthusiastic, but unfortunately...for talking a lot, not a whole lot of information is given in class. Instructions for assignments are also a bit ambiguous.

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ANTH3 . 11 Years Ago

Smith's lectures are completely useless when it comes to actual archaeology. He loves to talk about the movies that he has worked on, but that's about it. A lot of weekly homework and essays, not too difficult if you get a good TA. Don't take for fun, only take if you need it.

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ANTH3 . 11 Years Ago

Took his class last year. The essays will drive you crazy but not impossible(your TA is your friend in figuring out what you need to do for the essays).He is knowledgeable but easily gets sidetracked in lecture. There is a lot of required weekly but,it's not hard to get an A if you put in the effort. Just remember it's a 5 unit class for a reason.

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ANTH138 . 11 Years Ago

Archaeology of Egypt class. NEVER went to class, lectures are boring and all over the place. All you have to do is study the terms on the study guides, which you find the terms in the books. That plus a ten page paper make up your grade. Lenient grader.

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ANTH138 . 11 Years Ago

RUN. Do not take this class if you want to keep your sanity. His "lectures" are terrible. He spends most of the time talking about himself. He doesn't mention when he's transitioning from topic to topic. He assigns work like you're going for your doctorate. It's not worth it.

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ANTH3 . 12 Years Ago

The WORST class ive ever taken. The unclarity of everything is unreal. Major assignments at the most inconvenient times. The professor has no idea what he's talking about, neither do the TA's. You're expected to do these far fetched assignments where you have NO idea how to even BS them. Tons of busy work. Never know about assignments or when due

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ANTH3 . 12 Years Ago

lectures are hit and miss. it is a lot of work, but that is because it is also considered a writing course. the work is also hit and miss in the fun factor.

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ANTH3 . 13 Years Ago

This professor is very unorganized. The material is interesting but there is no real use for it. You should only take the class if you have to for a major requirement.

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ANTH3 . 13 Years Ago

Wouldn't recommend this class unless you have to take it. Lots of busy work, I felt like I was in high school with all the projects and homework assignments. The material can be interesting at times. You have to use the books a lot & they are very expensive. Homework assignment every week, 2 group projects, 2 essays, and a final.

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ANTH3 . 13 Years Ago

His lectures are completely unorganized and he talks about a lot of irrelevant information. He assigns way too much homework most of which is pointless and lacks support for the lecture. Only one test at the end but he makes up for it by assigning 2 essays and weekly writing assignments.

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ANTH3 . 13 Years Ago

Lecture sides are unorganized. Tells you lots of stuff you don't need/irrelevant to homework or projects. Assigns work as if this is the only class you have.

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ANTH3 . 13 Years Ago

SO MUCH WORK EVERY WEEK. He wont give you time to work on other class assignments

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ANTH176 . 13 Years Ago

Interesting subject, and he does get the material across. However he spends a lot of time obsessing over how cool he is (you'll hear about how he worked on the Mummy and is best friends with The Rock just about every class). Lots of material to know for the tests, but he gives a comprehensive study guide. Memorize it and tests are easy.

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ANTH176 . 13 Years Ago

He is a good professor but if you are not already interested in Ancient Egypt don't take the class or you will be board out of your mind. I was not interested so I found it really hard and boring. A lot of facts and random gods you have to learn for the exams so be ready to study.

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ANTH176T . 13 Years Ago

Ancient Egyptian Religion is an awesome class and Prof. Smith is an awesome teacher! He tells you exactly what will be on the midterm/final and he's a really cool guy. Lectures are helpful and interesting but it's not terrible if you miss a few, as he tells you exactly what will be on the tests so you can look it up. Expect to do skits.

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ANTH138T . 14 Years Ago

AVOID AT ALL COSTS. i don't know why he's still here: if the admin knew just how cruddy he was, he'd be out in a heartbeat. ARROGANT LIL ISH. he seems nice enough in lecture, suggesting you go in to clarify material ... reality is that he doesn't answer emails and really isn't listening to you in office hours. serious jerk. disorganized & lame.

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ANTHR3 . 14 Years Ago

pretty easy class, homework every week but it was easy and quick to do.

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ANTH3 . 14 Years Ago

COME ON! The class wasn't that hard. In fact, I missed every class except the first day and the day of the final and I ended up with a B. I remember this one TA let us email everything so I never had to print out the busy homework. There is only one test-the final (25%). I should have gone to class more though because there were so many hot girls.

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ANT3 . 15 Years Ago

I am sorry to any anthropology student who is obligated to take this course. He has a very ethnocentric bias in presenting information and also presents false information. HE DOESN'T KNOW HIS STUFF. For instance, he claimed that there are no archaeological dates for domestication in the South Pacific (NOT TRUE). DON'T SILENCE PEOPLES HISTORY!!!

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ANTH3 . 15 Years Ago

class is 5 units and he makes you work for them. stupid busy work that takes u hrs to do. boring reading. he's nice enuff in class but not approachable during office hrs. really disorganized lectures and boring too. don't take for ge.

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ANTH118T . 15 Years Ago

He was a very knowledgeable professor, but you cannot do well in this class unless you form a study group, 10-page project, mid-term and final are very intense (76 terms and 10 essay!) I also thought his lectures were very disorganized. It was very frustrating taking notes, trying to keep track of the chronology of what he was talking about.

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