Rate My Professors (69)

113A . Buratto S K 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I took his class maybe 9 years ago. I don't remember much but a lot of PDEs. And I remember that he was extremely passionate and on a good day he was AMPED to be up there lecturing for us. Good guy.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Easy class that he makes hard but the curve is fat like really fat so it evens out

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 2 Years Ago

He is an amazing lecturer, but his tests are super difficult. However, he is a very kind and compassionate professor who is understanding of extenuating circumstances. He actually cares about his students.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 2 Years Ago

He is a good professor as in he knows what he is teaching and can provide amazing real life examples of what he is teaching but the examples he covers in class are so much easier than the homework problems or the exams. Two midterms, one final and the questions on these exams were the same difficulty as the homework problems or even harder.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 3 Years Ago

Buratto is a very knowledgeable professor who gives clear lectures. His homework does not offer partial credit, so it's important to make sure that your calculation is accurate. HThe exams are not so hard - if you go over the homework problems you will be fine. His OH is helpful and he replies email really quickly.

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 4 Years Ago

Buratto was an amazing lecturer and an extremely fair test maker. He would tell you everything you needed to know for an exam and his lectures explained everything step by step. There's a pretty significant curve at the end of class. My test results would have gotten me around a C- in a different class, but the curve brought me up to a B.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 5 Years Ago

Probably one of the best professor in the chem department. He is very clear during lectures, and gives you the best preparation to study and do well on the exams. You really learn chemistry in his classes. Really good professor.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 5 Years Ago

Buritto is great. I had him for AnaLITical last fall and honestly I've missed being in his class. Sure it's a hard class with tough grading, but you learn your stuff and his exams are exactly like the homework, so you are more than prepared. I'm actually excited to take a class with him next quarter even if this isn't my exact field of chemistry

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 6 Years Ago

His lectures are clear and straight forward. He works out many problems in class and assigns similar problems for the homework. People say he's tough but as long as you go to lecture and work out problems you will be fine. His test questions are very similar to the homework with the exception of one or two tougher problems to separate the class.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 8 Years Ago

Top 3 profs I've had at UCSB. He asks a lot out of you and makes you work the whole quarter and you might dislike him a little sometimes, but at the end of the quarter, you realize just how much you've learned. Him and the TAs try their best to help you. Just put in the work he asks of you and you'll be fine. Clear lectures and great ppts.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 8 Years Ago

As a chem major, I love this class and the material that it's based off of, but I couldn't enjoy any of it!! The Homework Buratto gives out is near impossible to ace and his tests are impossible to finish!! And sometimes the problems are literally not even solvable due to errors in the questions. Only recommend to someone you absolutely HATE!

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 9 Years Ago

PChem is hard, but Buratto goes out of his way to make sure that you understand the material. His lectures are absolutely fabulous so no need to crack open that awful textbook. As long as you should your effort, he will be there to help you.

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 9 Years Ago

Perhaps one of my favorite professors in UCSB. you don't need a textbook at all because his lecture notes are step-by-step and very clear. certainly not an easy class but if you study and understand the homework, the exams will be easy. Definitely hope i have him again!

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113A . Buratto S K 9 Years Ago

pchem is not an easy course, however with Buratto he makes it extremely clear. One of the best professors. He goes through the derivations with you step by step. His slides are straight forward. The homework is difficult, and does take time, but it is doable. The exams are FAIR, if you do the hw and study you'll be fine. Good quality prof.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 10 Years Ago

One of the best professor I've ever had. I only got a B+ because I was behind and didn't do well on the first midterm. I caught up after and life was good. He's strict, but he let students know exactly what he wants. I will sum it up this way: He tests what he teaches and doesn't try to trick you. If you understand his lectures, you will pass.

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CHEM113ABC . Buratto S K 10 Years Ago

He is rude, unhelpful, and always runs out of breath when he talks.

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CHEM1C . Buratto S K 10 Years Ago

Buratto had just started teaching again after taking a few years off. Apparently, his looks aren't the only things that have left him. He is an awful teacher and is rapidly turning into a grouchy old professor. He takes everything from Feldwinn but teaches nothing like her so expect to be very unprepared for his tests.

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150A . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

He's strict! But if you don't learn to do things correctly now, you'll mess up later and probably lose your job. Super excited to help you and very inspiring because of this. Communicates incredibly well.

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CHEM1C . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

Fair professor. Comes off pretty intense and intimidating, but the tests are surprisingly easy and straightforward. Not as tech savvy as other chem professors in terms of posting grades and sending emails. Overall, decent professor, good lecturer. Fair course.

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CHEM1C . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

this professor is horrible at teaching. having said that, his test questions are actually fair.. if you do all the teaching yourself.

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CHEM1C . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

In my top 3 of worst professors I've encountered at UCSB. Rips all of his stuff from Feldwinn, but without the ability to teach it, berates students for asking simple questions, and gives entirely too hard tests. He doesn't drop the lowest midterm like EVERY OTHER PROFESSOR IN THE CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

Lectures enjoyable, because of his enthusiasm and excitement for thermodynamics. Best slides a professor will ever provide for you, they're thorough and explain every step. Exams all had homework problems so worth going back and understanding them.

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CHEM1C . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

So difficult...not helpful at all, I had to essentially teach myself with the book, his test questions were always complete surprises. dont take him

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

The class is pretty difficult. The homework is pretty hard but the exams are equal if not easier then the homeworks. I did not go to class and received an A. Buratto is a great teacher who seems to love the subject. He is very approachable, and actually LISTENS to students. Go to office hours if you are having trouble. I would take him again.

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